The poem "When the yellow field is agitating ..." is not only about the beauty of nature, as it may seem at first glance. It is about the fact that only in unity with nature a man can find harmony.
Early and late lyrics Lermontov noticeablevaries. If at the very beginning of the poet's creative path, she was naively enthusiastic, then later he began to worry about social issues. That is why this work stands out among others. Below is an analysis of the poem "When the yellow cornfield is worrying ..."

Brief writing history
Analysis of the poem "When the yellowNiva ... "should start with a historical remark: in 1837, Lermontov was taken into custody because of his other creation. He wrote The Death of a Poet, dedicated to the death of Pushkin, and many officials did not like it. The poet was in custody while they figured out the degree of revolutionism of the poem.
In that period, despite his young age,Mikhail Yuryevich was already skeptical about life and understood that society is not yet ready for changes. Proof of this was the Decembrist uprising. During his arrest, he creates a poem similar to an inner monologue.
This is one of the last lyric poems he According to eyewitnesses, he wrote it, without using ink and paper. In order to create the lines “When the yellow field is agitating ...” Lermontov had to use charred matches, and take the wrapper from the food that the old servant brought to him. Despite the fact that the poet glorifies the beauty of his native land, the key idea is that the places where his childhood years were spent give him the strength to continue to create.

Features of construction
The next item in the analysis of the poem is "Whenworries yellowing Niva ... "about how the meter it is written and what rhyme is used. The product has a ring and cross rhymes. The first stanza is written in six-foot iambus, in the second and third - alternation of six-foot and pentameter iamb. But a distinctive feature of the poem" When the yellowing field ... "is that the last line is written in iambic tetrameter.
Lermontov usually did not use this technique, butthanks to him, the feeling is created that the poet was in a hurry to convey all his emotions and did not care what rhyme would be more harmonious. This gives the poem a resemblance to Russian folk songs that Lermontov liked.

Literary tricks
When analyzing the poem "When Worriedyellowing field ... "it is important to clarify with what means of expressiveness the poet managed to create an atmosphere of mystery and tranquility. In order to show the beauty of the landscape, the poet uses epithets that fill the work with colors characteristic of his poetry.
Для придания стихотворению лиричности, Лермонтов refers to poetic epithets. All the above means of expressiveness help the reader to transfer to the described region and admire light landscape sketches. To convey affection and admiration, Lermontov resorted to impersonation.
All the above techniques help the reader notOnly to present the landscapes in a naturalistic way, but also to feel the breath of the breeze, to see how the field is moving, and to hear how the forest is roaring. The reader feels appeasement, as once Lermontov at the sight of familiar landscapes.

Poetic images
The next item in the analysis of the poem isdefinition of images created by the poet. Of course, there is a lyrical hero in the piece. Anxiety, confusion is felt in his soul, he tries to find answers to the questions that torment him ... And only nature is able to give him harmony and calm.
Nature here serves as a keeperharmony and peace. She is always pleased with the arrival of the hero and gives her beauty so that he feels enlightened. Nature always remains beautiful and majestic.
Analysis "When the Yellowing Niva Waves ...“will help students look at the poet’s work more deeply and learn more about Lermontov’s personality. This poem is a poet’s monologue about what he feels, only unity with the outside world will help to bring his emotions and thoughts in order. A person should not forget that a person and nature is one, so you need to take care and appreciate the environment.