Communicative quality of speech isthe real properties of its formal and content aspects. Among the properties distinguish accuracy, purity, correctness, consistency, expressiveness. The main qualities of speech also include expediency and wealth.
All these characteristics are revealed on the basis of the correlation of different linguistic structures.
So, for example, the richness of speech arises onbased on the relationship of language and speech. This characteristic (wealth) is expressed in the maximum possible saturation with various non-recurring linguistic means in the degree necessary for the realization of the conversation intent.
Lexical wealth manifests aspirationuse as less as possible words that do not carry a special communicative intention. This is achieved if the writer or speaker has a large stock of words.
Lexical wealth is a reflection and informative message richness.
The concept of "communicative speech qualities" includesalso a property such as consistency. This characteristic is associated with the syntactic organization of both the text and the utterance. Logicality of speech is formed on the basis of speech relationship with thinking. Evaluating this property it is important to see and hear the emerging whole in the process of connecting words. In this case, the evaluation of this whole is carried out within the whole text, and not just one statement. Logicality in speech is present in the absence of semantic inconsistency in the whole text.
Another property that has a largemeaning, is correct. It is formed on the basis of the ratio of speech and language. This characteristic reflects the correspondence of the language structure to the norms of stress, pronunciation, vocabulary, word formation, morphology, stylistics and syntax.
Коммуникативные качества речи включают в себя и such a concept as the accuracy arising on the basis of the speech relationship with reality. Accuracy in communication can be both conceptual and subjective. In the first case we are talking about the presence in the text of the speaking terms (concepts). Object precision takes place in the designation of objects of real reality in conversation.
Communicative qualities of speech suggestthe presence of such a property as relevance. This property is necessary when creating a message that corresponds to the conditions and purposes of communication. The appropriateness of speech is formed on the basis of the ratio of speech and communication conditions. This property (relevance) corresponds to the emotional and logical content, the topic of the message, the composition of the readers or listeners, as well as the aesthetic, educational, informational and other tasks of speaking or oral. Relevance is divided into personal-psychological, situational, contextual and stylistic.
Communicative qualities of speech include thischaracteristic, as expediency. By this notion, the message is related to the situation in which the person's intentions are realized, taking into account the characteristics of the addressee, circumstances and subject matter of the message.
Such quality of speech as purity arises onbased on the ratio of speech and language. The characteristic is applied to the text, which does not have literary elements, phrases and words that are alien to the language. To the means, capable of violating the purity of speech, include barbarisms, dialectisms, vulgarisms, jargon, abusive phrases and words. To this list also include words-parasites. Independently these means (words-parasites) do not cause any judgment, however frequent, obtrusive repetition makes them not related to the performance of communication tasks.