Грамматические признаки – это составляющие любой parts of speech. What are they needed for? Of course, in order to separate one part of speech from another, in order to reveal its individual qualities. So, grammatical features of a word can be both general and belong to a specific part of speech. Each group of signs will be parsed below.

Grammatical signs. General provisions
For all parts of speech there is a certaina set of attributes that can be applied to any word. Such signs traditionally include gender (male / female, common / medium), number (collective / dual, single / plural), and also a person (first / second and third person).
Another common grammatical feature iscase As is known, there are six cases in Russian. Nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental and prepositional. Questions of all cases need to know by heart, since the possession of such information helps not only in determining grammatical features, but also in determining the type of secondary members of a sentence.

Grammatical signs of the noun, verb and adjective
So, along with common signs, you can highlightand individual, characteristic only for a specific word - parts of speech. Let's start with the verb. This part of speech has the largest “arsenal”. As a rule, always begin with conjugation. It is the first and the second. To define it, it is enough just to present the verb in the second person and the singular, that is, to substitute “you”. It is worth noting that verbs are conjugated only in the indicative mood, and only the future and the present tense, while the past tense verbs possess only such signs as gender and number. The grammatical signs of the verb include the form - perfect / imperfect, mood - conditional / indicative / imperative, time (only for the second kind of mood), as well as number, gender and person. Many also distinguish such a feature as a pledge (active / passive and others).

Grammatical signs of the nounhave a much smaller composition. Firstly, this part of speech has a declination, and secondly, it is necessary to define animateness, that is, a noun can be both inanimate and animated. Thirdly, it determines whether the name is nominal or proper.
The grammatical signs of the adjective are alsosmall as the noun. Such an analysis will require a definition of the discharge — qualitative / possessive / relative, degree of consistency with the noun in gender / number / case, and also it is necessary to determine its full or short form, and whether there is a degree of comparison (only adjectives that have a qualitative discharge).
Thus, the grammatical signs of the wordhelp to disassemble it into small parts, to determine the components of a particular part of speech. To do this, you need to know that there is a group of common and individual signs that are characteristic of each part of speech separately.