December 7, 1941 by the Japanese aviation underthe command of Tuiti Nagumo was struck with unprecedented power at the US naval base "Pearl Harbor", located in the Hawaiian Islands. 414 Japanese torpedo bombers, bombers and fighters swept two waves above the Navy base. As a result, four battleships were sunk (and as much damaged), three destroyers, three cruisers, a minelayer, destroyed according to different data from 188 to 272 aircraft.
In one day, Americans lost 2403 people,1282 were injured. In the history of the United States, this was their greatest military loss. The defeat of the linear forces of the Pacific Fleet of America was the reason for her immediate entry into the Second World War. Prior to this event, the US since 1939 adhered to the position of neutrality in the war and increased military power through the supply of weapons of the anti-Hitler coalition in Europe.
Attack on Pearl Harbor was prepared by Japan very carefully.Command of the American army did not expect such a development, since Hawaii is more than 4,000 miles from Japan. From their point of view, if the attack was to be expected, then in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, one of the American colonies is Singapore or Indochina. Therefore, the naval base at the time of the attack worked in a regular mode.
Other bases closer to Europe weremore secure and secure. Virtually all units of naval equipment of the Pacific Fleet were pulled into the Pearl Harbor, hundreds of aircraft were located at neighboring airfields. Japan sought to destroy the entire US Pacific fleet with one blow in order to gain a significant advantage in military operations.
Researchers call this the beginning of the war inthe ocean is incredibly exquisite. Full radio silence, sudden first blows and terrible losses - Japan was well aware of how to bring the strongest world power out of balance.
The first wave of blows that struck the PearlHarbor, happened at 8 am, when Japanese aircraft filled the sky above the US base. This happened a few minutes before the raising of the flags - a traditional daily American ceremony at the blessed Hawaii. From the air, bombs fell on ships, the first of which struck the battleship Arizona, killing more than a thousand people. From his crew could not survive a single sailor. Also, significant damage to the fleet was caused by small submarines of the Japanese fleet.
One of the Japanese pilots who participated in theattack, said later that it was a beautiful sight, American ships shone, ready for Sunday's parade, so the targets were clearly visible and it was easy to attack. During the attack, the ships did not have time to move, they were all stationary and represented ideal targets for the Japanese. Such a disgrace the American fleet never experienced before. Most of the US fleet in the Pacific Ocean in an hour turned into a pile of metal. The Japanese losses in this battle were minimal.
Как ни парадоксально это прозвучит, но «Перл Harbor, whose history of the defeat was so bloody and ruthless, went to the benefit of the American fleet. Throughout 1942, all remnants of the ships that were destroyed not completely, were raised, restored and significantly modernized and improved. Fortunately for Americans, in 1941 the shipbuilding potential of the base was not affected.
Revenge for Pearl Harbor" was taken by Americans on the night of October 24 to October 25, 1944 in the Philippines. The US squadron collided with Japanese battleships, destroying targets in pitch darkness according to radar readings.
Today, the US celebrates the Day of Remembrance of Events in PearlHarbor ", which became a turning point in US history. This day ceased to be considered a "disgrace" of the American fleet, it became the beginning of the glory of the armed forces of the country that participated in the defeat of fascist Germany.