/ / Vienna Convention on Road Traffic - how it originated and what governs

The Vienna Convention on Road Traffic - how it originated and what regulates

Since the spread of cars eachthe country began to establish its own rules of the road. Such an abundance of various rules significantly hampered the implementation of freight and passenger road transport. Therefore, European countries have decided to standardize the order of being on the road around the world and bring national road rules to a common denominator. The result of this painstaking work was the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, thanks to which the general rules of the road became uniform and mandatory.

countries of the vienna convention on road traffic

What is the Vienna Convention?

This international treaty was concluded in 1968year The main purpose of this agreement was to take measures necessary to improve traffic safety in all countries of the world. The treaty itself was presented at a UNESCO conference held in autumn 1968 in Vienna. The Vienna Convention on Road Traffic was also adopted there, standardizing the use of road signs, markings and other signs that would simplify the movement of various countries by roads. In 1971, final amendments were made to this agreement in Geneva, according to which each state recognizes driving licenses issued in the territory of another country to foreign citizens without the need to confirm these rights by national authorities. Thanks to the convention, any traveler can freely cross the borders of the participating countries, without worrying about whether a driver's license is valid.

1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic

Vienna Convention and Driving License

States that have ratified the treatyVienna Convention on Road Traffic, 1968, recognize the Russian driver's license without the need to retake the exam and get an international uniform certificate. In 2006, the form of the internal driver's license was changed according to international standards. The countries of the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic have pledged to bring their internal certificates to an international uniform format within five years. In Russia, certificates of new type began to operate from March 2011. Old driver's licenses are still valid, but to go abroad they should be replaced with documents of international standard.

How does the convention procedure proceed?

Всего по данным организации Объединенных наций к The convention has been joined by 82 states. Later it was signed by 38 more states. Eight new countries have joined the general rules of the road after the collapse of previous states. But for the entry into the convention of one signature under the contract is not enough. It is necessary for the parliament of each state to approve (ratify) this document. Only then will the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic become binding on the territory of the country. A country that has signed the convention but has not ratified it has the right not to recognize foreign driver's licenses in the territory of its own state.

Vienna Convention on Road Traffic 1968

Do Russian Rights Recognize Abroad?

In the online editions you can find information aboutthat the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic obliges all member states to recognize driving licenses issued by these states. This statement is not entirely correct. The Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, 1968, recommends that all the rights of the member states be brought to a unified international model. Thus, certification of a driver for an approved category (A, B, C, etc.) and Latin transliteration of the driver’s surname become the mandatory requisite of international rights.

Can foreigners use their rights in Russia?

According to the 1999 Ordinance, all foreignCitizens temporarily staying on the territory of our state can drive vehicles with driving license of the international standard. But such persons are not allowed to take part in business operations or to work for hire with the involvement of vehicles. In other words, traveling by car is only possible for personal or tourist purposes. Work on a car with foreign rights is prohibited. In order to carry out economic activities, you must confirm your ability to drive a vehicle by passing a qualifying exam.

If a citizen of Russia got a driving license inanother state, he does not have the right to operate the machine on the territory of our country. According to the Vienna agreements, the participating countries are not obliged to recognize foreign rights granted to their own citizens. Therefore, citizens of Russia should re-take the qualifying driving test with the aim of obtaining the rights of the Russian sample.

Convention value

The Vienna Convention on Road Trafficsimplified the process of crossing borders. Now the goods could be delivered by one machine in the specified direction - so the cost of logistics services for end users has become much lower.

Vienna Convention on Road Traffic
Significantly simplified and the rules of the roadmovements - road signs, traffic markings, traffic controllers movements were unified - now these parameters have become the same for all participating countries. As a result, the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic has become another factor uniting national economies into a single global system.