National policy has always been part of theactivity of any state. It must regulate any interethnic relations of society. Its directions and objectives directly depend on the orientation of state policy. Some countries are deliberately fomenting ethnic conflicts. This approach is typical for the fascist (nationalist) orientation.
National policy in developed democraticcountries, on the contrary, is built on the principles of respect for all people, regardless of their origin. The state policy in them is aimed at the formation of tolerance, cooperation and close rapprochement of nations. The main value in democratic countries is a person's life, as well as his freedom and rights regardless of his nationality. The meaning of a democratic and humanistic policy is the maximum harmonization of the interests of different peoples, their implementation according to the principles of respect for each person. National policy is a system of measures of state influence, designed to create favorable conditions for each individual and all peoples.
An important task is to prevent possibleconflicts based on ethnic hatred. The national policy of Russia has before itself very difficult and important problems on the decision of arising problems in a multinational country. For this, it is necessary to carry out well-thought-out actions, on the one hand, aimed at preserving and developing the identity of all peoples, and on the other hand, preserving the integrity of the state. Russian national policy, like in other democratic countries, is based on documents that determine this policy. Such documents include the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the "Concept of the National Policy of the Russian Federation". Their main principles are the following:
- equality of freedoms and rights regardless of the race and nationality of a person;
- prohibition of restriction of the rights of citizens;
- Equality;
- guarantee of all rights;
- promoting the development of languages and cultures.
Consistent implementation of these constitutional principles meets the vital interests of all peoples living in the country.
National policies of different states canChange its character from ethnic cleansing and national terror, artificial assimilation, to partially political or complete cultural autonomy of different peoples. In essence, it reflects the policy of a multinational state in relation to the peoples inhabiting it.
In Russia, this policy is aimed atevolutionary development of the full national life of all peoples within the federation and the creation of equal relations between them, the formation of mechanisms for resolving any conflicts. Anyone, even a small number of people living in the territory of the country, is granted all the rights (up to the granting of territories under state national entities). It is believed that such a national policy of the Russian government really allows to maintain a very shaky interethnic balance. Recently, the main trends of the national life activity have been outlined, its probable prospects, which allow to formulate proposals on the interethnic consolidation of Russian citizens and to strengthen its unity and statehood:
- It is necessary to develop a scientific theory of harmonization of interethnic relations and the program of life of our society, corresponding to it;
- the creation of a program of actions, proceeding from the practical and legal compliance of regional and national all subjects of the Federation;
- the revival of a great and powerful power with a developed economy and democratic order.