Мировая история полна разных выражений и идиом, о which we have heard many times, but not often wondered what they mean. Some words are familiar to us from literary works, from films or songs. There are also such expressions that brought us the First and Second World Wars, as well as civil confrontation.
¡No pasaran!- what does this expression mean in Russia, learned thanks to Spain. Although in fact the first time it became known thanks to the French, and it was not quite similar to the Spanish version. Ils ne passeront pas! translated as “No Passage!” and was first used in 1916.

This political slogan appeared during the FirstWorld War, or rather, in the Battle of Verdun, which took place almost 10 months: from February 21 to December 18. This battle was one of the most large-scale and terrible, so the history went down as Verdenskiy meat grinder. Thanks to the right actions, the French were able to stop the Germans.
It was at that time that the famous French General, Robert Georges Nivelles, who, although he preferred aggressive actions, nevertheless took a defensive position, said “There is no passage!”.
It’s hard to say before or after Nivellewords began to be depicted on propaganda posters. But in 1918, On ne passe pas! could be seen on the poster dedicated to the second battle of the Marne. Also began to use the idiom on the sign of the garrisons.
Screaming ¡No pasaran!(translated from Spanish - "They will not pass") became known just during the Spanish Civil War. Its events took place from July 1936 to April 1939. Then the conflict between the Second Spanish Republic and the rebel Franco escalated into terrible hostilities.

It is known that Francisco Franco was the pioneerFascism in Spain. He was supported by Italy, Germany and Portugal. It is therefore not surprising that in the prewar period he decided to seize power in Spain, so that later on Hitler’s side he could conquer the world.
Women's fate
During the Civil War, the Franco approachedthe capital. But the anti-fascist forces were ready for defense. The author of the phrase ¡No pasaran !, which means “They will not pass!” Was the oppositionist of the dictatorship Franco Dolores Ibarruri. Also at that time it was often called Passionarium.
The woman had a very difficult fate, like anyanother active political figure of the time. After Franco reached the capital, she had to migrate to the USSR. She lived there until 1975, after Franco's death, she was able to return to her native land.
Political slogan
After the Civil War, many learned about the phrase ¡Nopasaran !, What does this slogan mean and by whom it was first applied? Dolores made this phrase not just idiomatic. She turned ordinary words into a symbol of the whole anti-fascist movement. During the first attempt of Franco to seize the country, this phrase was successful. The fascist had to stop the offensive. And the opponents of his dictatorship came up with another slogan ¡Pasaremos !, which didn’t get as popular as ¡No pasaran !, which means “We will pass!”.

Sad finale
As you know, the first time Madrid resistedthe fascists. But as a result of the Spanish Civil War, Francisco Franco nevertheless became the dictator of Spain and was there until 1975, before his death. 4 days before the end of the war, the dictator made a reply phrase - Hemos pasado, which meant "We passed."
Other options
As we already understood, the phrase ¡No pasaran!which means "They will not pass!", was used during the Spanish Civil War. Some mistakenly combine this political slogan with Viva la Cuba !. In fact, these are two separate phrases that were used at different times and not officially recorded anywhere.

In general, the history of the Cuban revolution has keptseveral famous slogans that have become common idioms. Many of them were very aggressive and challenging. For example, ¡Cuba - sí! ¡Yankee - no! or Yankee go home !. Also in Cuba, Patria o muerte is often used! ("Homeland or Death!").
Soviet and post-Soviet expressions were alsovery popular. They were not always militant. Some praised the power: "All power to the Soviets!" Some called for action: "Learn, learn, learn." There were also those who, on the contrary, called for peace: “Peace to the world!” Or “Peace, work, May”.