/ / What is a sabbath? Sabbat in the Middle Ages and now

What is a coven? Sabbat in the Middle Ages and now

The word "sabbath" has French roots.In turn, it was borrowed by the French in Hebrew. The word was pronounced “sabbath” and meant “day off”. In this context, its meaning is strongly intertwined with the biblical commandments, in particular, with the seventh day of the week, in which it is necessary to put all business and devote yourself to rest.

Etymology subtleties

In the word "sabbath," the emphasis is on the first syllable,if a bunch of witches is meant, walking. It should also be noted that the word may be pronounced with the emphasis placed on the second syllable, but then its meaning will be different. For example, it can be used as an exclamation and means “enough”, “enough”. For the word "Sabbath", the synonyms presented above are not the only ones. You can recall words such as: racket, debauchery, orgy, feast, etc.

Historical reference

The first record of the Sabbath in the court documentsdates back to 1335 year. It was then that in Toulouse about sixty people were accused of practicing magic and witchcraft. They confessed to the committed atrocities only under terrible torture, but this did not confuse the inquisitors. What happened to the accused is not known, but knowing the mores of those times, it is easy to guess.

In other parts of Europe, no records were kept until 1620, when the coven of witches was first described in England.

what is sabbath

This action is presented as a gathering of witches anddemons copulating with each other. Bloody rites in the name of Satan, blasphemy, gluttony and alcohol - that is what a sabbath in the eyes of a man of the witch-era.

Where and how were the Sabbaths held?

It is quite natural that for such an actionSelected secluded places. Hidden from prying eyes of impassable thickets, on high mountains, in deep caves — it was there that the actors gathered for their black deeds.

Undoubtedly, the most famous venue for the coven is Mount Brocken in Germany. On Walpurgis Night, the most powerful witches and demons gather here to conduct their rites.

Get to the site of the witch sabbath eitherusing levitation, to heighten the effect by saddling a pomelo, either as an animal or a bird. Many arrive on the backs of demons. They can be animals, most often black cats, known as constant companions of witches.

After collecting all the witches and demons await the appearance of the devil.


He appears before the gathering in the form of a goat,for even the witches cannot bear his true face. Sitting on the throne, he dominates over the sabbath, he gets pre-prepared sacrifices - babies or virgins.

Witch dedication

An important part of the coven is a dedication to the witch.A woman who has expressed a desire to become a witch, must swear an oath of loyalty to Satan. She is obliged to appear at the first call of her master, to recruit new members, to keep secrets of the witch community.

the word sabbath

After reciting the oath, the new witchbows to the devil and kisses him down the drain. The devil gives her witch attributes, powders and ingredients that are able to instantly transfer the witch to the site of the Sabbath.

Witch ordination is finalritual, after which the feast and rant begins. The members of the sabbath eat and get drunk, dance wildly and randomly copulate. Just before dawn, the orgy ends, and the guests fly away to where.

Modern Sabbath

What is the Sabbath in the current realities?It is hard to imagine that in the century of scientific discoveries and space travel, similar events are being held somewhere in the form in which they knew the Middle Ages. With devil worship, eating babies and killing virgins.

In our time, being a witch is not shameful and not dangerous.They are shown on television, they offer their services in newspapers and on the pages of Internet sites. If there is a demand, then there is a supply - these are the laws of the market.

Today, you can almost find out what a sabbath is.first hand Gone are the days when a witch was punished with death for revealing a secret. And the witches sabbath itself became different: the characters moved from the dark, dense forests to city apartments or to the homestead plots of country houses.

 sabbat synonyms

Changed and conducted rituals.From devil worship, the witches turned to paganism. Spirits of the Earth, Water, Air, Fire are honored, nature is praised. Only the traditions of bodily nudity remained from the medieval sabbath, but not all witches preach them. There are a lot of new trends, such as the use of masks and ritual clothing.

Important Dates

Sabbaths are held eight times a year. These dates are confined to the change of seasons, to the end of the harvest, to the beginning of sowing. Significant holidays are:

  • Oimelk, celebrated on February 2.
  • Walpurgis Night, celebrated on April 30th.
  • Lunasadh - July 31
  • Samgeyn, celebrated on October 31.

In the days of the winter and summer solstice, the autumn and spring equinox, sabbaths are also held.

In Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Unionseveral holidays, which are dedicated to these mystical events. This Kolyada - December 21-22, the end of Shrovetide - March 21 and the day of Ivan Kupala.

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So, to answer the question ofwhat is a sabbath, it is not necessary to stir up the ancient treatises of medieval ministers of religion. This knowledge is interesting except to researchers in the history of the occult sciences, and the current witches have nothing to learn from there. It is possible to have long discussions about whether naked women on a broom still fly to Mount Brocken, and whether the truth is shown to us on television in various shows. We can say with confidence only one thing: many innocent lives were given to the glory of Satan, so it’s not at all bad that the time of the Sabbath in their true form has long passed.