/ / Learning English from scratch: tips and tricks

Learning English from scratch: tips and tricks

Increasingly in recent years, many of our fellow citizensInterested in learning English from scratch. Actually, time itself dictates such a need. It is primarily about the dominance of various cultural English-language products: cinema, music, literature and so on. At the same time, many modern Russians have quite affordable opportunities to travel abroad for tourism purposes or to change their permanent place of residence. This category of citizens is even more keenly interested in learning English from scratch. How to start doing this and achieve good results in a short time? Some useful tips you can learn from the article below.

learning English from scratch

Learn English from scratch. Let's start first with grammar

Of course, first of all, you should masterthe simplest rules for constructing phrases, as well as the most elementary everyday words. Teaching English from scratch to any decent level necessarily implies perseverance and constant motivation.

It is possible that at some stage yourclasses will seem boring and difficult. It is very important not to drop training and not interrupt it. It is necessary to continue it without especially long breaks, otherwise it may be a step backwards.

learning English from scratch

Если у вас есть хоть какой-то небольшой словарный and the grammatical reserve is still at school, then the initial stage will be quite simple. But if you are interested in learning English from scratch, then you need to find yourself a good tutorial, first and foremost. For a recommendation, a textbook called Cambridge English Grammar is worthy. It is a very concise, but at the same time intelligible reference book on the rules of grammatical constructions of the language being studied. It is freely available for download on the Internet or in paper binding. Only after a couple of weeks of training you will be able to recognize different types of tenses, numbers, passive and active forms of verbs and other subtleties.

Learning English from scratch by reading books

Do not be alarmed, considering that this is impossible whenyour meager vocabulary yet! There is a little secret here. The fact is that for these purposes there are already specially adapted translations, in which after each English-language phrase there follows its translation into Russian with an additional translation and analysis of words that are found in the text for the first time. An example is the adaptation of the authorship of Ilya Frank. Of course, when you choose a book to read, pick one that you would love to read in Russian. Thus, you will be able to combine a pleasant reading with a useful study of new constructions and words. After some couple of months of intensive study, you will probably already be able to read simple texts without help.

learning English from scratch

Learning a language should not be limited to reading.In no case do not forget that listening to speech is equally important! For this, it will be very useful to regularly watch movies (of course, also those that interest you) with subtitles - English or Russian. A good technique is the constant translation of English tracks. Be sure to translate the lyrics of your favorite songs!