/ / Architecture of the historic city: description and history. The architecture of the historic and modern city

Architecture of the historical city: description and history. Architecture of the historical and modern city

Walking through the ancient streets of someof the settlement, once again convinced that the architecture of the historical city is an art. Grade 9 is the time when every student has the opportunity to study an interesting course “World Art Culture”. It is within its framework that the acquaintance with this topic takes place. What is special architecture of the historic and modern city? This will be discussed in our article.

City and town planning

The city is the greatest creation of humanreason, the main engine in the development of any region, country, state. It is in the cities that the most brilliant minds are concentrated, which generate new ideas and inventions.

Город отличается от других населенных пунктов near certain characteristics. Their study is engaged in the science of urbanism. But the theory and practice of planning, as well as urban development is already a field of interest for urban planning.

historic city architecture

Urban planning is the activity of developing and creating urban systems, their reconstruction and improvement of the living space of a person.

The architecture of the historic city ("Art", grade 9)

What is a “historic city”? What are its characteristics and how does it differ from the modern?

The law “On the protection and use of immovable propertymonuments of history and culture ”interprets this concept as follows: a historical city is a village in which there is a large number of cultural heritage sites. It can be ancient archaeological sites, sculptural monuments, architectural ensembles and elements of ancient buildings.

In historical cities, as a rule, are locatednumerous cultural objects that have a certain value for society: historical, aesthetic, etc. Another distinctive feature of such settlements is that the old (historical) layout of streets and squares is preserved within them.

architecture of the historic city art

It is important to note that the historic city is notonly architecture and cultural values, but also its population. That is, people with their own set of traditions, customs, views on life. Appeal to this term allows to consider a particular city as a historical, national and regional phenomenon.

The theme “Architecture of a Historic City” is studied in the 9th grade of secondary school, in the framework of the course “MHK” (world artistic culture).

In Russia today there are 41 settlements with the status of a historic city. Among them are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladimir, Derbent, Kostroma, Suzdal and others.

The architecture of the historic city: the main features

Architecture is the most useful art form.Man began to build houses for himself from ancient times. For this, he used the materials that were available in a particular area. For security purposes, villages were surrounded by shafts or walls, wicker fences.

The architecture of the historic city in the Westdiffers significantly from the layout of the eastern or ancient cities. The latter most organically fit into the natural landscape, closely tied to the surrounding countryside. In this case, an important factor in choosing a place for the future of the city was given the aesthetic aspect. Indeed, in ancient annals one can often find similar sayings: "... and the place is red, and having loved it, let the people live on it."

Certain features are different andThe architecture of the historic city in the East. A square with a mosque and a madrasah was built in the center of the eastern settlement - a school for training teachers and ministers. An important place in the planning of the city was also assigned to the caravanserai - a place for street trading.

Planning European historical cities

Traditions of urban planning in timesAntiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance were different. A striking example of the ancient city in Europe can be considered the Acropolis in Athens. In those days, any settlement began with the construction of a magnificent temple on an elevated site. Streets were laid around this holy hill, the layout of which was rectangular.

A typical medieval city is a villagefenced with powerful fortifications with toothed walls and moats filled with water. In the center of such a city-fortress was built the cathedral and the main town hall.

architecture of the historic city art grade 9

In the Renaissance, cities were built on newpattern. The streets were located perpendicular to each other, and at the end of the most important of them any outstanding architectural structures or entire ensembles of majestic buildings were necessarily located. By the way, the Russian city of St. Petersburg was built according to this algorithm.

Features of the architecture of the modern city

Modern architecture uses completelyNew principles and forms of organization of free space. Thus, at the beginning of the twentieth century, new styles in architecture appeared - constructivism and functionalism, which sought to simplify buildings and structures to the maximum.

architecture of the historic city grade 9

Today in the cities are being built typical and verysimilar houses. If earlier in the cities the spiers of Gothic cathedrals were the highest, today they are office towers made of glass and concrete. New building materials allow to facilitate as much as possible all erected structures.

How does modern architecture affectemotional and mental state of a person? Many scientists argue that it is extremely negative, emphasizing that it has completely lost its status in the spiritual and aesthetic sphere of human life. Indeed, it is very difficult to enjoy the architecture of the XXI century. Faceless gray buildings, traffic jams, long concrete fences, acute lack of vegetation - all this, according to psychologists, creates an unfavorable, aggressive environment for human life.

architecture of a historic and modern city


Now you know the difference in architecture.historic city. “Art in stone and volume” is how the process of building cities and villages is poeticly described. This is really an art that requires substantial creative effort and great knowledge.

The architecture of the historic city (grade 9) is an unusually interesting topic. The process of planning and construction of settlements differed significantly in different historical epochs.