/ / Roman Baths (Simferopol): review, features and reviews

Roman Baths (Simferopol): review, features and reviews

To remove fatigue, to find purity of body and soulhelp the bath. Simferopol baths are a worthy decision. What kind of bath is suitable, everyone determines for himself. Knowing the features of your own organism, you can choose the appropriate option.

baths simferopol

Bath History

Since the time of Ancient Rome it was believed that the body andthe soul must be pure and beautiful. There was a special attitude towards ablution. It was a ritual, which was carefully prepared. Visiting such places was regular and was considered compulsory. Of particular importance was the place of bathing. Imperial terms of Caracalla - that vivid confirmation.

For more than five years the construction of the imperialbaths. Luxurious decoration, marble decoration of the walls decorated the terms with a truly royal scope. This place was not only for washing - it served the purposes of the spiritual and cultural development of the inhabitants of ancient Rome. Pools, stadiums, libraries, included in the complex of the terms, completely satisfied the interests of visitors.

Care and attention to their people are felt in thepresent time. Roman traditions have survived to this day. Proof of this - modern Roman baths. Simferopol - a city with its own traditions, way of life and its own view on the arrangement of baths.

Roman baths in Simferopol

An excellent solution to spend leisure - modernRoman baths. Simferopol is a city in which people traditionally visit them. Three halls of the complex on Petropavlovskaya Street, decorated in different styles, accept a sufficient number of those who wish. Comfortable and cozy location allows you to relax and retire.

Roman steam room, created on the basis of ancienttraditions, has a truly luxurious appearance. It will allow you to plunge into the age of Caracalla and get the maximum satisfaction from the process. A round spacious pool in the ancient Roman style will cool the roasted steamed body, will add strength and vivacity after visiting the steam room. Simferopol baths are also represented by a Finnish sauna, where dry steam and low humidity are easily tolerated by people. Those who wish can take advantage of SPA-procedures. Different types of massage will allow you to relax.

roman baths simferopol

Spacious sitting area with luxurious interiorwill get the maximum pleasure. Herbal tea after the adopted procedures will be a useful addition. You can drive out the feeling of hunger by trying delicious dishes prepared by the chef of the complex. The staff will give every guest due attention and make the rest useful, pleasant and interesting.

Bathhouse in Russian

Russian traditional bathhouse radicallydiffers from the European one. But the essence remains common. Of course, modern steam rooms are refined and equipped with technological innovations. But in the baths of the city of Simferopol also try to observe the old traditions. A hot steam, a broom and a bath in cold water after a steam bath are a highlight that characterizes the Russian soul. All this can be felt on yourself by visiting the bath complex "Kedrovy Paradise" in Lavandov Lane, 2, as well as the sauna "Russian Coziness" in Sevastopol, 55.

Russian bath Simferopol

It has long been thought that every event shouldaccompany or end with bathing in the bath. Traditionally, weddings or baptisms were not without prior ablution. Even bread, baked with their own hands, was called "bannik." In each hut once a week there was a bath day. It is a welcome feast for the purification of the soul and body. Foreigners were wary of this ritual. They were frightened by too hot steam and the process itself. The energy of the action was far from the outlook of foreigners. Only a compatriot could appreciate all the delights of the Russian bath.

Traditional Features

Beneficial effect on the whole body rendersRussian sauna. Simferopol - a city in which a large selection of such institutions. They are located both in the city center and on the outskirts. Paired in the Slavic style will allow you to feel the Russian spirit and remember the forgotten customs. Bathing in a cool font, wooden tubs and coniferous branches are all obligatory attributes of a bath.

Simferopol Russian baths support the oldtraditions. Hot steam and bath attendants are a feature of this landmark place. Professionals of the business not only will tell, how correctly to be soared, but also will warm up a body, will get special brooms, collected from qualitative grades of a tree. Tea ceremonies, inherent in the Russian people, will relax and will communicate with like-minded people, as in the good old days, visiting public bathhouses.

Simferopol baths: the cost of services

Previously, there was one public bath in the city.Simferopol could not boast of an abundance of such places, accordingly, adults and children, women and men swam there. Visiting the sauna was literally a cultural event for the local population. Every year new baths opened. Simferopol expanded, and construction in this area also intensified. The number of saunas has been increasing so far.

sauna simferopol prices

Вариантов попариться предостаточно.The services of bath complexes can be used by both adults and children. Entertainment complexes are equipped with modern swimming pools, fountains. Guest and spa facilities of this type are open to guests of the capital. About forgotten traditions will remind Russian bath (Simferopol). Prices for services start from 350 rubles. The average price for visiting bathhouses ranges from 400 to 1,500 rubles per hour. For example, visiting a Russian bath on the river Burulcha will cost about 500 rubles per hour.

Some establishments offer comfortable andcozy rooms, where you can spend a few days. The cost of living is 300 rubles and more. Pricing policy is suitable for all layers of the population. Most couples offer personal discounts and gift certificates. Visitors note that the prices correspond to the quality of the provided service, like the variety of paired ones. We noted the cleanliness of institutions and good-natured staff.

saunas and baths simferopol

In the bath with the whole family

Reviews of visitors indicate thatbath-health complexes of Simferopol are able to satisfy the needs of all comers. To spend family leisure in a sauna is a good habit and tradition. Many people say that, observing all the rules of the visit, the visitor will receive huge benefits for their own health, and will strengthen the strength of the younger generation. Experts insist that the bath favorably affects the increase of immunity, strengthening of the whole organism. Not knowing where to go with friends for the weekend, go to the steam rooms of Simferopol - they are advised by almost all visitors. Health and laughter, flushed smiles and joy will give you a Russian bath. It is a wonderful rest for the soul and body in a pleasant atmosphere.

Observe Russian traditions - go to saunas and baths. Simferopol steam rooms will give you this opportunity and provide the best pastime.