Historically, Russia isat the same time part of Europe and Asia, being the largest power in the world in the occupied area on the planet Earth. Despite the fact that territorially our country is closer to the Asian countries, most of the population lives in its central part, which is closer to European states. And therefore it is customary to assume that our place of registration is in Europe. Today we will examine the 5 largest countries in terms of area in Europe.
Russia - I place in the occupied territory in the world
The capital of the country is Moscow. Russia occupies 12% of the earth's surface on the planet, which is 17,124,442 km2. It is not only the largest country in Europesquare, but also in the world. The distant Slavic ancestors roamed the eastern part, then the future state. But the unification of all the peoples of a powerful nation took place on the territory of Europe, then the Kyiv Rus was formed. And to date, the heart of the country is in its "central" part, although geographically, relative to the state, it is very far from this term, rather closer to the borders of Europe. The population is about 146.4 million people, which is also a dominant place among European countries.
Ukraine - II place in Europe
Ukraine holds an honorable second place in Europe.It also belongs to the largest country in Europe in terms of area, numbering about 559,713 square kilometers. The capital of the state is Kiev. Most of the country is located within the East European Plain. The climate can be attributed to the moderate continental: the average temperature in January is -1C to -6C, in July + 18C-23C. Almost the entire territory is flat, and the mountains occupy only 5% of the country's area.
In connection with the difficult political situation inthe country's population declined markedly (Crimea, Donbas separated, military operations inside the country affected), from 46.5 million (as of 2008) to 42.3 million people, according to official estimates.
France - III place
The capital of France is the city of Paris, which is famous,perhaps, to any adult inhabitant of the planet. France is the largest country in the area of foreign Europe. Its land is 547,030 square kilometers. But this country has also islands that belong to it, and they are located in South America, the West Indies, also the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean and several archipelagos in the Pacific Ocean. The population of the country is about 64.9 million people.
France is known for its navigable rivers,which is about 200. The largest river is the Rhone, and the largest valleys of the Seine, the Garonne and the Loire. It is also the richest country in terms of water resources among European countries.
Spain - IV place
Spain is located on the south-western partEurope. Its territory covers a land area of 504,782 square kilometers. Madrid is the Spanish capital. The population of the country is 45.9 million inhabitants. This is one of the most picturesque, warm and largest countries in Europe in terms of area. Spain also owns the Balearic and Canary Islands, and also includes some of the lands of northern Africa.
Участок Гибралтара принадлежит Британской a colony, but located on the Iberian peninsula of Spain. For a long time the Spanish continue to claim these lands. Gibraltar is a symbol of the country, it is depicted on the coat of arms of Spain. According to the legends of ancient ancestors, this place marked the end of the world.
The southernmost point of continental Europe isCape of Morocco, which is a narrow part of Gibraltar, and crosses part of Africa. It turns out that Spain in "step-by-step" accessibility from Africa is only 14 kilometers.
Sweden - V place
The Kingdom of Sweden is the largestScandinavia. It is located in Northern Europe and has an area of 449,964 square kilometers. The country consists of two major Baltic islands - Gotland and Eland. The first man entered these lands about 12,000 years ago, but only from the IX century Europe started talking about Sweden. All the famous Vikings penetrated into the sea harbors and engaged in robbery and robbery. Only from the XI-XII centuries the country gained the status of the state.
This country is different from many Europeanstates with its unique nature: forests, mountains, villages, manicured estates, valleys, medieval buildings and hundreds of architectural monuments. There are also lively cities interspersed with wooden houses, fresh, saltwater ponds and islands.
Sweden is also one of the largest countries in Europe in terms of area. The population of the state is almost 10 million people. The Swedish capital is the city of Stockholm.
We reviewed the top 5 largest on occupiedterritories of countries in Europe. To answer unequivocally to the question of which is the largest country in Europe, it is difficult. On the one hand, this is Russia. But if we talk about foreign countries, then this is certainly France. In any case, our country is the largest state in the whole world and we have something to be proud of.