/ / Harper Beckham: biography, photo

Harper Beckham: biography, photo

The only daughter of the starry couple Beckham, owhich will be discussed in this article, is the youngest child in the family. The girl's name is Harper Beckham. Like the older children of the spouses, Harper is of great interest to his personality from the yellow press and the media in general.

Harper Beckham: Biography

David and Victoria (nee Adams) are inThe marriage is already almost eighteen years old, namely from July 4, 1999. For a long time, the couple dreamed of a daughter, whom little Harper, who was born only on July 10, 2011, became.

harper beckham

The birth of the first daughter of celebrities has becomea real event not only for the couple itself, but also for the entire public and millions of their fans. Since birth, Harper has been the center of attention for both the media and her parents.

David and Victoria do not mindthe only daughter, allowing her almost everything and constantly spoiling her. The girl often appears in public with her parents, while demonstrating fashionable outfits.

Beckham Kids

The first child in the family of a famous football player was the son of Brooklyn, who was born in 1999, then there were two more sons: Romeo and Cruz, who were born in 2002 and 2005, respectively.

Stellar parent couple loves all of itschildren and often appears at secular meetings along with all their children, but both parents have long dreamed of a daughter whose appearance fulfilled the long-standing dream of David and Victoria.

Harper Beckham, whose date of birth was the dayunprecedented happiness in the family of celebrities, was born much later than all other children. The difference in age with the youngest of the sons Cruz is 7 years.

Young fashionista

From the very birth of the youngest Beckham family, it was destined to become the most popular of the star children, attracting media attention in all structures.

Every self-respecting journalist andReporters who highlight the lives of celebrities and stars consider it an honor to make a report or new pictures of Beckham's daughter, because baby Harper Beckham, whose photo you can see below, is very popular among readers of glossy magazines.

harper beckham photo

Виктория, которая является общепризнанным fashion model, loves to dress up his beloved daughter. The media now and then publish pictures of little Harper in curious outfits, which she personally selects Victoria. She doesn’t want to dress her daughter too brightly, without the pictures and colored dresses typical of Harper’s children.

The style that mother chooses for baby Harper,It is distinguished by its characteristic minimalism for Victoria herself. Simple dresses, no flashy elements and bright colors. As a rule, clothes are monotonous and not too striking, but everything looks elegant and tasteful. It is not for nothing that Victoria herself is considered the standard of style and elegance, and millions of women in all corners of our planet tend to take an example from her, imitating her image.

How did you choose a name for your daughter

For the Beckham spouses, it was always important to carefully select a name for their children. The mother came up with the name for her little daughter before Harper was born.

harper beckham date of birth

This name was chosen for the daughter becauseVictoria is a big fan of the book "To Kill a Mockingbird", written by the famous writer Harper Lee, also known by other works, such as: "Go, put the watchman!" and others.

Choosing a second name for my daughter was also notby chance. As is well known, Seven denotes the number 7 in English, and she, in turn, is a lucky number for David, since he acted as a player of the England team at number 7.

Family discipline

Chet Beckham, with regard to the education of theirchildren are quite liberal parents. In the vast majority of situations, they allow their children to do absolutely everything that comes to their mind. This is especially true of their youngest child, since the daughter is still small, and besides, she is so long-awaited that loving parents are ready to forgive any of her pranks.

Что до сыновей, то сам Дэвид в одном из интервью quite clearly expressed on this issue. He said that his eldest son, Brooklyn (at that time he was 14 years old), who had just begun a difficult period associated with transitional age, sometimes wants to do non-standard actions that are not always correct and meaningful.

David, like the boy's father, is quietlyto take the son to the side and with one's eyes calmly and in an adult way to explain that it is not worth doing this and why this or that act is wrong or bad. This is an absolutely normal situation, because parents must instruct and teach their children, preparing them for further independent adulthood.

harper beckham age

Что же касается Харпер Бекхэм, возраст малышки still allows her to forgive minor offenses, since she is still too small to truly understand the correctness of this or that action. Although, of course, in some situations with her, too, instructive conversations are conducted, during which the young lady learns simple truths, explaining how to act in certain situations, and how not to.


Due to the fact that Harper was luckyBorn into the family of a world-famous footballer and singer, she has become accustomed from the very young age to being under the lens of photographers, to be in public, and to be at the center of not only parental attention, but also the general interest of most people.

The girl likes to be the center of attention,she happily poses in front of the cameras in fashionable outfits matched for her by her mother. Already in her 3-4 years, the girl showed good artistry, which is expressed as a game so far, but soon it can become a good talent, opening her way to the world of big cinema. Moreover, it is already a very popular media personality.

harper beckham biography

Therefore, few would be surprised if already in the near futureFrom time to time, the ranks of Hollywood movie stars will be replenished with the name Harper Beckham. It is not excluded that the girl will be a good discovery for modern cinema, because, as already mentioned above, she has good acting skills. And if you have the desire and parental opportunities to make an acting career for a girl, it will not be difficult.