/ / How to prepare official gratitude to educators

How to prepare official gratitude to educators

Gratitude to tutors in oral form or inThe written form is expressed in connection with the holidays, of which there are many in the year. People caring for young children are usually congratulated on the teacher's day or on New Year's holidays. As a rule, the words of recognition are expressed by parents in connection with the end of the stay of the children in the kindergarten.

thanks to educators
What to write in a thank you letter

If thanks to kindergarten teachersis prepared on behalf of the parents, then it is written in the form of a semi-official letter. Such a document does not have special requirements. It is desirable to fill it with sincere feelings and concrete facts. Wherever you find the finished text, you should not use it in the same way. First, someone could write it to your teachers before you. Secondly, it is necessary to diversify the text with "living" facts. That is, it is necessary to note exactly what people invest in the performance of their professional duties. Some are particularly kind, others - creative endeavors, and others - maternal affection. Any professional puts his soul in children. It should be seen and reflected in the letter to make it enjoyable for a certain person. Otherwise, thanks to the teachers will be too impersonal, "dry."

thanks to kindergarten teachers
How to draw up

His gratitude to the teachersit is desirable to decorate colorfully. There are several options. So, the easiest is to buy a special form in the store (order in the printing house). In it, write the right words. You can make a colorful stencil yourself, fill it. Gratitude to educators will turn out bright, rich, similar to the official document, which is appreciated by social workers. Since parents do not have their own official press, it is possible to sign the document to the representatives of the parent committee. Autographs of all thank you will make the letter less official, but more enjoyable.


words of gratitude to teachers from parents

Here are words of gratitude to educators fromparents, which can be taken as a basis for their version: "Dear (names and patronymic)! We are sincerely grateful to you for the kindness and sympathy, affection and patience that you generously give to our children! Kindergarten you make a cozy home for the kids, in which they aspire, as in their own. We hear a lot of wonderful words from our children every day, which describe the fascinating activities and activities you conduct. We sincerely wish you creative energy, achievements and good luck! "

Gratitude teachers can make moreofficial. For example, "Dear teachers! The Parents' Committee expresses its sincere gratitude for the creative work to educate the younger generation! Your efforts aimed at developing the intellectual and creative abilities of children give positive results, daily marked by parents. The warmth of your hearts creates a special atmosphere of comfort and harmony in the kindergarten, allowing the kids to feel surrounded by awe and care. Thank you very much!"