/ / Dagestan politician Rizvan Kurbanov. Biography, activity

Dagestan politician Rizvan Kurbanov. Biography, activity

Rizvan Kurbanov is an excellent example.how a simple person who started his professional career from a low-level civil servant position was able to break into big politics. Such life examples give people additional motivation in their efforts to achieve something meaningful in life. Let's take a look at the life path that Kurbanov Rizvan Daniyalovich passed. The biography of this person will certainly be of interest to everyone, and is useful to those people who want to achieve certain heights in life.

Childhood and youth

Rizvan Kurbanov was born on January 3, 1961Buynaksk, which at that time was the regional center of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. It was a small provincial town with a population of about 35 thousand people. It was in this city that Rizvan Kurbanov spent his first years of life, whose nationality is associated with Lak people, one of the indigenous peoples of Dagestan.

Rivan Kurbanov

At 17, Rizvan entered the Caspian Middleboarding school, which successfully completed a year later. In 1979 he was accepted in the same school as a senior pioneer leader. In the same year he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army. He served in the airborne unit, which was located in the city of Kirovabad (now Ganja), in Azerbaijan.

After the end of the service, in 1981, RizwanKurbanov entered the law faculty of the Vladimir Lenin State University of Dagestan in Makhachkala, which he successfully completed in 1986 with a degree in jurisprudence.

Career in investigative agencies

After graduation, the future politician becameWork as an intern investigator in the prosecutor's office in his native Dagestan. However, he didn’t stay long in this position, as the successes and efforts of the purposeful young man could not be noticed by the boss. Soon he was promoted to the post of investigator. The following appointments were not long in coming, yielding under the pressure of professionalism of Rizvan Daniyalovich. He worked as an assistant prosecutor, then as a prosecutor. By 2003, Kurbanov held the position of Deputy Prosecutor of the Republic of Dagestan, and also concurrently served as Makhachkala environmental prosecutor.

rzvan kurbanov nationality

Rizvan Kurbanov's activities for the benefit of the Motherland are notremained without attention of the higher management. More than once he was awarded awards, insignia, certificates. So, in 1999 he was awarded a registered weapon, in 2011 Rizvan Daniyalovich was awarded the Order of Courage, and in 2005 a medal to the 200th anniversary of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. In addition, in 2001 he was awarded the title of Honored Lawyer of Dagestan. There were quite a few smaller awards and titles that Rizvan Kurbanov received. The biography of this person in the service of the state is replete with similar moments. But these awards would not be if he was not worthy of them.

In 2004, waiting for a new increase, RizvanKurbanov graduated from the Russian Academy of State Service. In the same year, he became deputy chief of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice for the Central Federal District. In this position, Rizvan Daniyalovich worked for two years. He was forced to leave her, as he entered the in-patient department of the doctoral studies of the academy where he had already studied. Four years later, a successful dissertation defense took place, and from that moment on Rizvan Kurbanov became a doctor of law.

Political career

Quite fruitfully spent the first period of his activity Rizvan Kurbanov. The biography of this person in the following years was inextricably linked with politics.

Former services in public servicecontributed to the fact that since March 2010 he was appointed to the high post of Deputy Prime Minister of Dagestan. In addition, in November of the same year, he became the chairman of a commission that deals with the rehabilitation of those who decided to end terrorist activities. This problem is particularly relevant for the republics of the North Caucasus.

Rivan Kurbanov biography

Fighting illegal armed groups

During his work in the prosecutor's office, as well as inDuring his tenure as deputy prime minister of Dagestan, Rizvan Kurbanov contributed to the active struggle against illegal armed groups and terrorist groups. But at the same time, he defended the right of members of these groups to forgiveness, if they voluntarily agree to end their criminal past. This position was dictated not only by mercy, but also by the desire to shake the ranks of the illegal formations from within, giving the former militants and their accomplices hope for forgiveness. Therefore, Rizvan Daniyalovich treated the chairmanship of the commission for the rehabilitation of persons formerly included in illegal armed groups especially responsibly.


In the elections to the State Duma of RussiaFederation, which took place on December 4, 2011, Rizvan Daniyalovich Kurbanov was nominated to the people's deputies from the ruling party "United Russia". In general, the party won over 64% of the vote, which allowed the honored lawyer of Dagestan to go to parliament. But even here Rizvan Kurbanov did not get lost. Deputy State Duma from the "United Russia" became deputy chairman of the committee on state. construction.

MP Rizvan Kurbanov

Currently, Rizvan Kurbanov remains a member of the State Duma, the next elections to which are scheduled for September 18, 2016.

Legislative Initiatives

Deputy Rizvan Kurbanov is known for some high-profile legislative initiatives, which allows us to say that he is not just serving a place in the Duma, but is really working.

So, in early 2013, Rizvan Kurbanov spokeone of the initiators of the bill, which stated that each subject of the Federation of Russia will have the right to choose the format of electing the head of the region that considers itself the most optimal: direct elections or elections through the local parliament. According to the deputy, this bill is most relevant for multinational republics, such as its native Dagestan, in which direct voting often takes place on a national, rather than a professional basis, which negatively affects management.

rzvan kurbanov deputy gd

In November 2013, he introduced a bill thatthat a visa-free regime, which is now in effect on the territory of Russia for citizens of the CIS, will be granted to a specific person only for six months. The adoption of such a regime, according to Rizvan Kurbanov, should help streamline migration processes. In Russia there are restrictions on which a foreigner from the CIS countries can stay on its territory without issuing proper documents for 90 days. But many people have learned to circumvent this restriction, after 3 months crossing the border of Russia in the opposite direction, and again going back. That is, in fact, the boundary period of 90 days turns into a formality. It was in order to stop this practice that the initiative of Rizvan Kurbanov was sent. However, many deputies have criticized this bill, since, in their opinion, it contributes to the formation of prerequisites for corruption abuses.

Political perspectives

Many experts are optimistic aboutfurther development of the political career of Rizvan Kurbanov, based on his hard work, abilities and ambitions. Analysts believe that he is aiming at the chair of the head of the Republic of Dagestan. However, it is quite possible, they are not far from the truth. Rizvan Daniyalovich’s ambitions are indeed quite high, he has broad support both among politicians and businessmen in Moscow and Dagestan. However, he also has enough opponents.

Kurbanov Rizvan Daniyalovich Biography

An additional argument about Kurbanov’s desire to becomethe head of the republic is told by the fact that it was he who was among the initiators of the law, which made it possible to conduct indirect elections of the first persons of the subjects of the federation. In direct elections, given that the Lak nationality, to which Kurbanov belongs, is only fifth in terms of numbers in Dagestan, his chances of being elected would be minimal. When electing the president of the republic as parliamentary deputies, the prospect of presidency for Rizvan Daniyalovich becomes quite real.

A family

For many people, despite their professionalor social ambitions, the family plays a significant role. An exception is not Kurbanov Rizvan Daniyalovich. Family for him is not the last place in life. Rizvan Kurbanov has a wife and son with whom he currently lives in Moscow. He knows more than anyone else that it is important for a politician to have a reliable rear and a warm family hearth.

Rivan Kurbanov photo

Preliminary results

Of course, it is too early to fail the finalresults of Rizvan Kurbanov’s activities. Of course, he will be able to accomplish many more glorious deeds for the good of the Motherland. But thanks to his positive qualities, Rizvan Kurbanov has done a lot for Russia. The photo above shows us a strong-willed, decisive, intelligent and ambitious person who is able to manage great things. Among these accomplishments are the fight against crime, illegal armed groups, assistance in the improvement of Dagestan, a number of important legislative initiatives. Do not forget that he also managed to create a strong and loving family.

Hopefully, over time, this list of accomplishments will only grow.