/ / Emergencies and their classification

Emergencies and their classification

Every day, watching videos on the Internetor including news on any TV channel, we are confronted with horrible facts that suggest that the most incredible events occur every minute around the world, which often lead to human death. However, what do we know about emergency situations? How are they classified? Let's try to figure it out.

Emergency - these are events that have occurred.in a certain area, as a result of disasters, natural or natural phenomena, accidents or other disasters that entail material and natural damage, human losses and disruption of human life. Below are their types.

Emergency situations (emergencies) conditionallyclassified into several categories. In the first place, they all have a conflict-free and conflict-free character. The latter include environmental and natural phenomena, as well as man-made emergencies. As for conflict situations, it is conditionally called social explosions, military clashes, terrorist acts, vigorous actions and rampant criminality, religious and interethnic conflicts, economic crises, etc.

By the speed of the spread of emergencyThey are divided into slowly and moderately spreading, quickly and suddenly arising. For example, emergency situations of a sudden nature can be considered terrorist acts, and slow-developing ones, which last for many months and years, include such as, for example, anthropogenic activities in the Aral Sea zone.

The scale of the spread of emergenciesthere are local and local, regional and federal scale, territorial, as well as transboundary. The main differences in this category are characterized by the number of victims, the magnitude of material damage and the measure of disruption of life for living organisms. Local situations are situations where no more than 10 people become victims, and the event zone should not go beyond the territory of the object of social or production value.

Local emergencies are characterized bythe number of victims over 10, but not more than 50 people, or violation of living conditions for at least 100, but not more than 300 people. This incident should not go beyond the settlement.

Regional emergencies imply quantityinjured no more than 500 people or violation of the conditions for the life of a similar number of people. The scale of its distribution should not cross the borders of the state.

Cross-border or global emergencies includesuch situations, which in scale and number of destruction go far beyond the borders of one state and may have disastrous consequences for the entire planet.

It is worth noting that emergency situations canbe created both artificially and naturally. In other words, they may arise as a result of human actions or be dictated by natural phenomena that have arisen.

There are also so-called emergencywartime situations. The meaning of this kind of emergency lies in armed conflicts between a number of countries, attacks on cities, the use of weapons of mass destruction, the seizure of individual objects and strategic points.

In the history of mankind has never beenstability in this regard. In the past 20 years alone, up to 40 major armed conflicts and tens of thousands of small military emergencies have occurred in the world. Vivid examples of such events in the 20th century are the following: the First and Second World Wars, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Afghan war, the uprising in Hungary, the Caribbean crisis, the Gulf war and many other military conflicts.

The story tells of the fact that in hostilitiesit is the civilian population that dies and suffers more, and the worse the weapons become, the more victims will be subsequently. Thus, humanity needs to draw some conclusions, but we often neglect this, with the result that we ourselves suffer.