The Russian language does not stand still and continuesactively develop and change. All this is due to the borrowing of foreign words, the appearance of neologisms. But it is very important not to lose the legacy of our ancestors, which has been preserved in colloquial speech for centuries. The beauty and melodiousness of Old Russian and Old Slavonic language connect us with our ancestors. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the language of the past. Excellent helpers in the search for the meaning of unknown words will be explanatory dictionaries.
Obsolete vocabulary
Many native Russian terms are a thing of the pastirrevocably. In the vocabulary there is a special group of obsolete words, that is, those that we do not use in modern speech. In turn, in this group there are two large subgroups - historicisms and archaisms.
Historisms are words that call objects,which disappeared from the use of man. For example, the name of the administrative unit is okolotok, uyezd. In turn, archaisms are obsolete words that have modern synonyms. That is, the items called them have not disappeared, but have received new names. Many of them are familiar to us, such as eyes, mouth. Some people are puzzled and forced to think about their meaning.
What are the findings?
To obsolete words, undoubtedly, refers tothe word "reveal". In order to determine the historicism of this or archaism, it is necessary to find out what a revelation is. For this, one can turn to the explanatory dictionary compiled by VI Dal.
Словарная статья на вопрос, что такое выя, answers that this word is feminine, meaning - the neck. In addition, it is indicated that the lateral part of the neck was called a scraper. This word was used in stable phrases. For example, high identification - pride, inexorable revealing - persistence, and stiff - persistent. Although the facts are known that the term is still present in some dialects of northern peoples.
Thus, we can conclude that the word "revealing" is an archaism in modern Russian.
Modern use of the word
Despite the fact that the word "identify" isobsolete, it can still be heard not only when reciting poems by Pletnev, Kozma Prutkov and other poets. And so, what is the manifestation in modern Russian? In this matter, the geographical map of the Russian Federation will come to the aid.