/ / The water level in Ob is sometimes critical.

The water level in Ob is sometimes critical.

Ob has never been such a river on whichthe inflow of flood waters takes place in winter, as is typical for some rivers in the European part of Russia. Usually this phenomenon is typical for the spring months. The first wave of the leash, which raises the water level in Ob, is in March. Every year a thaw begins at about the same time, rarely when winter lingers in Siberia until April.

First changes in water level

obi water level

Whether the flood will be abundant depends on the temperatureenvironment, on how much snow was winter and how long the time for warming. With a uniform, not spasmodic rise in temperature, the snow melts gradually, and the snowmelt waters have time to go to the ground (provided that at the end of winter there were no severe frosts and the ground was not too cold). If it gets warmer, then there is nothing left for the melted water, like flowing into the river, right on the ice. Because of this, he collapses, the ice begins. The channels are still tightly closed, so the water has nowhere to go, and it changes its course. During this period, most residents of cities and settlements located in the Ob area begin to monitor the water level. Information about changes is constantly broadcast on local television and radio channels, prescribed in print and online media. In those settlements where there is a high risk of flooding with flood waters, a “alert” mode is introduced, and information about what level of water in the Ob River is updated and reported to citizens several times a day. With critical changes - hourly. In many settlements for such a period on the streets include loudspeakers, which are broadcast around the clock. However, the spring flood is rarely fraught with danger; nevertheless, there is not much melt water. A more serious danger is the second wave of flood - May.

The snow in the mountains is melting

river water level ob

Не секрет, что воды Оби подпитываются за счёт a dozen small mountain streams descending from the mountains and foothill areas of the Altai Republic. In these areas, the period of melting snow falls in the middle of May, and then the second flood wave begins. If there was a lot of snow, the volume of flood waters may be more than impressive. EMERCOM officers know about this, so preparation for a leash in “dangerous” villages begins well in advance, especially if the forecast is disappointing. When the water level in the Ob River rises very quickly, several dozen small villages in the suburbs of Barnaul are under the threat of flooding. One of them is the long-suffering settlement Zaton, which “floats” almost every year.

On three islands

The inhabitants of this village, which is located onthree islands, all household appliances in the houses are on special supports, in case there is a flood. But this measure sometimes does not save. Just last year, there was a record water level in Ob, Barnaul and the entire Altai Territory with a shudder watching what was happening in Zaton. But Zatonovtsi is simple: they have boats and oars on the roofs of the outbuildings, houses are nonsense and other waterproof shoes. During the flood period, these people always have bags with supplies, clothing and documents on hand: emergency evacuation can begin at any time. But there are those who do not leave even when the water reaches the window sills of houses: they move to the roofs.

water level in obi barnaul
Ничего сверхъестественного в своей жизни the Zaton people do not see: for the long history of the village they have become accustomed to such an existence. But no one better than them in the city is not aware of the flood situation: ask them at any time of the day what the water level in Ob is now, and they will respond without hesitation.

In Novosibirsk does not drown

water level in obi novosibirsk

In the Novosibirsk region, residents are not so intentlyWatch what the water level in Ob, Novosibirsk rarely floods. The “fault” is in the good sense of the word - the Novosibirsk reservoir. In the spring, when the natural inflow of flood waters fills the reservoir to critical points, the collection in the lower pool increases in the reservoir. Thus, the Ob in the area of ​​Novosibirsk remains in its banks and rarely goes beyond them.

Fishing forecasts

Why are fishermen interested in what levelwater in ob? The answer to this question is obvious. On this depends the choice of the place of fishing, the necessary fishing gear, biting. In general, only two phenomena significantly affect the water level in Ob: the discharge of the level at the Novosibirsk hydroelectric station and the influx of water from the Altai mountain rivers. Spring flood waters significantly deteriorate the quality of water, it becomes turbid, and there is a lot of small and large debris on the surface. In such an environment, fishing on spinning and float tackle will not work, the bite will be bad. If the water stays at the same level for several days, then an improvement in bite is possible. But the sharp decline in the level of fish is also not to their liking.

During an emergency, rescue workers generallyDo not recommend fishermen to go to the river. The water level in Ob can begin to rise sharply: in just a few minutes, the place where you could wade can be deeply drowned.