Canada Geographical Location brightly characterize the words of her national motto "from sea to sea"(in Latin "mari usque ad mare"). This is the only country whose coastal borders are washed by three oceans: the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic. Canada is the second largest country in the world, it is distinguished by its many faces, its multi-structure, the diversity of landscapes and natural areas.
General information

Economic and geographical position of Canada determined by the proximity of international transportways, which contributed a lot to the acceleration in the development of its territory and economic development, stimulated trade relations with other states and attracted immigrants to it.
State area 9,984,670 km² covers almost the entire northmainland North America and occupies the Arctic Archipelago, one of the largest in the world. The country covers 1/12 of the entire land area of the planet, which makes its coastline equal to the three equators, the longest in the world.
Численность населения Канады по отношению к ее the vast territory is insignificant - 32.2 million people representing different races and cultures. 90% of them live in the southern regions, which stretch mainly along the border with the United States. A large part of Canada is unsuitable for human habitation, including the northern margins extending far beyond the Arctic Circle.

Physical-geographical areas
Difficult and contrasting physiographicThe position of Canada contributed to the creation of variegation of vegetation and variety of vegetation types. It is located in the zone of arctic deserts, tundra, mixed forests, taiga, steppes. Country They are divided into several natural regions: the Appalachians and the Arctic Mountains, the Canadian Shield, inland valleys, intermountain regions, and the Pacific Mountain System.
Country of wide open spaces
The northern districts of Appalachia reach Primorsky Provinces, eastern Quebec, and reach Newfoundland. Canada's geographical location, This mountain region is especially contrasted.Here are concentrated ancient rocks of different ages. In most of the region stretch the folded mountains, consisting of longitudinal ridges, the peaks of which are covered with glaciers. High plateaus are separated by wide valleys. A distinctive feature of the region is the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the largest estuary on earth, connected by straits to the ocean.
Laurentian plateau occupies a significant partcountry and is part of the ancient crystalline Canadian shield. This is the most unsuitable for human habitat region of the country, but within it are thousands of lakes, Hudson Bay, which is a kind of inland sea, and the richest deposits of almost all elements of the Periodic Table.
As part of the Canadian Shield is often consideredArctic lowlands in the north of Alaska and the lowlands of the Hudson Bay, the surface of which is mostly bound with permafrost. Here are the largest lakes of Canada - the Great Slave and the Great Bear, each of which connects with the longest river of the country Mackenzie, collecting most of the water flows of the rivers of the Arctic divide.
Граничащие на западе с Канадским щитом Великие plains are Canada's breadbasket. The production of wheat and grazing is developed here. The region captures the steppe provinces and reaches the Pacific coast, where a part of one of the greatest mountain systems of the earth stretches, often called a mountain country - the Cordillera. Within Canada, they are divided into the Coastal Range and the Rocky Mountains, where the richest mineral deposits are developed.
Dream country
Canada’s Geographical Locationthrough several natural zones from arctic deserts occupying almost the whole of Greenland and the Arctic archipelago, to forest-steppes and steppes covering the Great Plains, determined the diversity and richness of its natural conditions and resources. This was a favorable factor in the development of the economic state of the country. And the presence of outlets to the Pacific and Atlantic oceans favored the enhancement of its status in the system of international relations and in key international organizations of nearby regions.

High standard of living, well developedthe economy, the education system and health care, clean and safe modern cities, many different cultures - this is not the whole list of advantages that distinguish Canada. In 1992, the UN declared it "the most attractive country for human life."