/ / What is political terrorism?

What is political terrorism?

Political terrorism is illegal threatsor the use of violence against civilians, certain social groups, government. Such actions include explosions in crowded places, the killing of civilians, the seizure of hostages, buildings and airplanes, and each such crime is committed by a group of individuals to carry out their own selfish purposes.

History: In a primitive form, political terrorism wasknown in antiquity, however, a similar method of pressure on power most often began to be applied, starting from the second half of the XIX century. For example, in Russia there was practically no king who would not have attempted an assassination. If earlier the authorities killed as a result of backstage intrigues and palace coups, and attackers often used poison, then by the end of the 19th century, criminals began to organize terrorist acts.

At the first place at this time comes the conceptpolitical regime that is hostile to a large part of the population. The method of terror was used by groups that share “left-wing” views and are seeking to eliminate autocracy. The most frequently carried out explosions of the convoy, in which the king was passing, or of the railroad bed at the time of the train, where representatives of the ruling dynasty were.

Modernity: Now political terrorism accepts otherforms, it can be part of a guerrilla war, or even be expressed in hostilities in which various states are drawn. Moreover, one side of the conflict, evaluating itself as a fighter for the idea, seeks to blackmail the governments of various countries in order to achieve their goals, and their opponents are forced to stop the actions of criminal groups defending constitutional and public order in the territory entrusted to them.

The target of terrorists often becomes symbolismcountries and authorities, the state as a whole and the most important social norms. If the population is politicized, it is easier for criminal groups to carry out their plans, since threats often affect voting results and the formation of public opinion. For countries where the life of citizens is a real value, such intimidation can turn into serious political concessions in order to be able to prevent the unjustified killing of civilians.

Modern political terrorism, exampleswhich can be found in almost every state, most often based on ethnic separatism. And the criminal actions connected with the death of hundreds of people are directed to obtaining independence by individual regions. Formations involved in the preparation for terrorist acts and their implementation have a clear structure, they include a significant number of ideological fighters, as well as strategists and tacticians, whose plans are difficult to reveal even to the special services of the most developed countries. Such groups operate in Ireland, in Corsica, in the region of Spain where the Basques live, and the goal of each terrorist act becomes the recognition by the country's leadership of the independence of a certain part of the territory.

Examples: Political terrorism was characteristic ofIraq, ruled by Saddam Hussein, and among the criminal actions of this politician can be identified manifestation of open aggression against their neighbors, the genocide of their own people, the lack of elementary freedoms and rights among citizens. For a long time, the dictator managed to maintain the political regime he had introduced by completely eliminating the people from ruling the country, brutally repressing, getting rid of opponents and banning the registration of any parties.

Criminal activity of an international groupAl Qaeda is not limited to conducting terrorist attacks in a particular country, but thanks to the explosions, the hijackings of aircraft, the destruction of buildings, the representatives of this group are trying to intimidate the whole world.