/ / 10 shocking phrases of maniac killers

10 shocking phrases of killer maniacs

As it turned out, fires, floods, earthquakes- this is only part of our fears. The real horror of humanity leads to the existence in our world of people who can kill only for the sake of pleasure or to compete in the number of victims. But even more shocking is the fact that not one of them has feelings of guilt, pity, leaving a dark stain of hatred in the hearts of relatives and loved ones forever. And some of them manage to utter just shocking phrases in relation to judges, policemen, relatives of the murdered, etc. If you are interested in these statements, then for you we have compiled the TOP “10 shocking phrases of maniacs”.

10th place. Dennis Raider, or "WTC"

10 shocking phrases maniacs

“I have a demon in my head, and I don’t know in advance when he will visit me again.”

Dennis Raider, nicknamed "WTC", was born in 1945year, March 9, in the town of Wichita. He has made up the nickname of the capital letters of the words: bind, torture, kill (to bind, torture, kill). Dennis’s first violent crime was committed in 1974. Its victims were a family of 4 people, which included two children, 11 and 9 years old. The maniac carefully planned his first murder, cutting the telephone wires in the house of the victims beforehand.

Dennis was different because after each of hisMurder, he sent letters to the local editorial office with a detailed description of the atrocity, so that no one else could entice his fame. In April 2004, Dennis sent to the police a few parcels with documents and items of clothing of those killed. It is thanks to them that the police managed to reach the maniac.

The killer confessed to 10 murders. He was sentenced to 10 life sentences.

9th place. David Berkowitz, or Sam's son

10 phrases maniacs

"Demons wanted my penis."

Our TOP "10 shocking phrases of maniacs" continuesDavid Berkowitz, nicknamed Son Sam. The future killer was born on June 1, 1953 in Brooklyn. Because of the failure of the mother became the adopted son of one of the childless families. As you know, the future killer suffered pyromania (set fire to garbage cans and empty buildings). In the exercise of arson, David masturbated.

After the police took him, his guilt is notHe denied, but claimed that a neighbor ordered him to kill him using telepathic abilities. Thanks to this, doctors diagnosed him with paranoid schizophrenia. Sentenced maniac to 365 years in prison for 6 murders.

8th place. Edmund Kemper

shocking phrases of maniacs

“When she was still dead, she still continued to whine at me. I couldn't get her to shut her mouth. ”

Edmund Kemper was born on December 18, 1948 inCalifornia His childhood was quite difficult, because his mother was a terrible woman. This is what made Edmund cruel and hate people. Kemper committed his first murder at the age of 15 years, having peacefully settled down with his grandparents. After 6 years in the mental hospital Kemper was released and immediately began his favorite work. He dismembered 6 women. And before imprisonment, he killed his mother and her friends.

7th place. "Zodiac"

phrases maniacs killers

"If the police are going to catch me, it's better to look after their asses ..."

This killer wielded in the 70s.Unfortunately, the police failed to take him into custody. The Zodiac was different from all the other murderers in that it sent letters with photos of the dead and tapes that depicted cruel dissections. On each of the messages maniac portrayed zodiac signs. Hence the nickname. As the killer himself claimed, he dealt with 37 victims, but the police claim that there are 7 of them. The first and only suspect in this case was Arthur Allen, but his guilt was never proven.

6th place. Eileen warnos

the most shocking phrases of maniacs

"Let your wife and children be raped right in the ass."

This statement takes the 6th place in the TOP «10shocking phrases of maniacs ". Eileen dedicated these words to the prosecutor after the sentencing. The future killer was born in 1956. Her childhood was pretty hard. Mother threw her with her brother at the age of six months. Grandmother and grandfather took them up. In 9 years, Warnos had already engaged in prostitution. And at 14 she was pregnant. Then relatives put her out of the house. The first murder committed at 34 years. It was a 51-year-old trucker who wanted to use sexual services. After that, another 6 murders occurred.

As you know, Eileen had a lover friend who knew about all her crimes. Later, the girl agreed to cooperate with the investigation, despite the fact that she was madly afraid of Warnos.

In 1993, Eileen was sentenced to death. The killer's last words were: “I'll be back!”

5th place. Ted bandi

10 phrases killers maniacs

"Sometimes I feel like a vampire."

Our top 10 continues.The phrase of maniacs who shocked the whole world was quite a lot. One of them before his death said Ted Bundy, who was born in 1946. The first murder committed in 28 years. It was a 21 year old student. After that, Ted could not stop. His victims were 30 young girls, whom he easily lured into his car, thanks to an attractive appearance. As it turned out in the process of litigation, Bundy experienced the pleasure of "cruel sex." Evidence of this was the testimony of his former girlfriends.

A few years after the conclusion of Bandiescapes from prison. He seemed to be trying to enjoy the murders, realizing that he had only a short time to live. Tad sneaks into the women's hostel and beats up 4 girls, 2 of whom die. The most atrocious crime of Bandi is the sadistic murder of a 10-year-old girl, whose body he cut into pieces was thrown on to be devoured by pigs.

In 1978, Ted was sentenced to death in an electric chair.

4th place. Karl Panzram

shocking phrases of maniacs

“I sat and pondered.While I was doing this, a little boy ran around me and was looking for something. We talked to him and went into the quarry a quarter of a mile from the hotel. I left him there, but at first outraged and killed him. When I left, his brain flowed out of his ears. I was sure that he was dead, and felt pleasure from it. "

Panzram was born in 1891 in a large family.Perhaps the minimum attention from the mother and led him to such a life. Karl was convicted not only for murder, but also for arson, fights, fights and robberies. It is also known that he committed robberies of the house of the President of the United States (William Taft). With the money he earned, Panzram bought himself a yacht, on which he committed virtually all of his murders. Karl lured young sailors, watered them with alcohol, then raped and killed. Panzram confessed to his friend (prison guard) that he killed 22 people and raped about 1,000 young people. After killing a prison guard, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

3rd place. Arthur Shawcross

phrases maniacs

"She made me m ... no, and got so carried away with it that I had to strangle her."

List of "The most shocking phrases of maniacs"Arthur Shawcross continues. The future killer was born in 1945. His first victim was a child. Apparently, he experienced tremendous pleasure, as after some time the brutal murders of small children continued. Unfortunately, the court managed to prove only 2 murders, but Arthur never denied that there were much more.

Showcross was also accused of 11 murders of prostitutes. For all his crimes, Arthur received a life sentence. At 63, he died behind bars.

2nd place. John Wayne Gacy, or Pogo's Clown

killers' shocking phrases

“The only thing for which you could condemn me is the implementation of funeral services without a license.”

TOP "10 shocking phrases of maniacs" continues JohnWayne Gacy, who was born in 1942 in Chicago. It is difficult to believe, but this bloodthirsty killer maniac caused joy and respect to many people. And all because John worked ... a clown. He regularly participated in charity events to raise funds for sick children. But few people knew what he did in his spare time. Gacy lured the teenagers into his home and brutally murdered them, and then raped them. As you know, in his basement, John buried 26 children, and threw the rest into the river. In total on the account of the maniac 33 victims. In this regard, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

1st place. Albert fish

10 phrases killers

"I love children. They are very tasty. ”

The list of "shocking phrases of maniacs" continuesbrutal pedophile killer Albert Fish, who was born in 1870. The future maniac spent his childhood and youth in a boarding house. It was there that Fish began to enjoy the pain and observe it from the side. It is hard to believe that Albert was a good father of six children.

In 1924 an 8-year-old boy was found in the forest,raped and strangled with his own suspenders. Later the crimes were repeated. One of the most brutal murders committed by Albert was the murder of 10-year-old Grace. The abduction took place practically with the consent of the girl’s parents. Mom and Dad Grace learned all the details of the brutal murder from a letter sent by Albert. In it, he wrote that ... he ate the girl. First, he cut it into pieces, and then roasted it in the oven.

The police Fish admitted to eating 4-year-oldBilly Gaffney, whom the maniac cracked down in 1927. The exact number of victims of Albert is still unknown. Perhaps there were more than seven. Fish was sentenced to death.


The phrases of maniac killers shock everyone without exception.With what coldness and cruelty they say it, without testing a pity neither for their victims, nor for the relatives of the victims. The main thing is that all of them have already paid for their actions.