/ / How to survive in a crisis? How can an ordinary person survive in a crisis time?

How do they survive the crisis? How can a simple person survive in a time of crisis?

The concept of "crisis" is also traditionally present inour life, like all other terms denoting the processes of development, movement. The crisis is identical to the concept of elements, it must be able to survive and accept as a natural process. Moreover, unlike the elements, the crisis is a social and predictable phenomenon. Therefore, we will try to deal with the nature of this phenomenon.

how to survive in a crisis

You can learn not only his naturalperceive, but also understand how to emerge victorious from crisis states. To do this, answer the question "What is its nature?" How to survive in a crisis and what are the ways to overcome it? How to learn to be a winner in difficult conditions?

A crisis

The very concept of crisis is derived fromthe ancient Greek term "κρίσις", which means "decision", "turning point". Etymology immediately brings clarity to the nature of the concept. Indeed, if we understand it as a sharp turn of events, a turning point, the destruction of the foundations of existence, then it remains to answer the logical question unequivocally. Namely: it is urgent to make such a decision, which will change the existing crisis state, which does not satisfy human needs, and to keep in these conditions only those basic conditions that allow everything to endure. The critical process depending on the nature of the changes can be classified for various reasons.

  • By scale. Local, global.
  • By the time. Short and long.
  • By area of ​​manifestation. Natural and social.

If natural crises have an unpredictable nature, are spontaneous, then social crises are connected with human activities, and the resources for getting out of them are hidden in society itself.

Types of social crisis

The society is represented by social institutions -set of relations for the regulation of social life. In modern sociology, the following institutions are traditionally distinguished: families, religions, education, economics, management (politics, law, armed forces). Depending on the institutions in which social problems arise, features of the crisis manifest themselves.

  • Political (military-political).
  • Economic (financial).
  • Socio-demographic (marriage and family, religious, demographic).

It is these kinds of crises that the strongest have.influences both on the whole society and on each of its members. Each of the conflicts can not exist in its pure form. Since society has a complex nature of interaction, a single global information space, a crisis in one of the social institutions provokes and reflects on the state of other spheres of public life. Often, the problems of a particular social institution result in a systemic crisis affecting all spheres of social activity. Moreover, it becomes part of a global problem. The global crisis, which is currently taking place, demonstrates how all social systems are interconnected in the age of information technology.

Political crisis

This process is expressed in the theoretical and practical confrontation of political subjects for their desire to change (preserve) public order, the way they exercise their rights and obligations.

Behind political crisis, as a rule, standseconomic interest. Answering the question "who benefits from this," you can identify the real cause of the problems of opposition to political power, covered with slogans in the hope of supporting society. The level of civil consciousness is the main threat to manipulation of public opinion by the authorities.

Состояние политической системы, которое characterized by aggravated conflicts and increased tensions, defines a political crisis. Problems manifest themselves in this period with particular intensity. A political crisis can be foreign and domestic. In turn, a crisis within a state can be governmental, parliamentary, constitutional, nationwide. The nature of the crisis determines the order of the problems to be solved.

Economic crisis

The production of goods and services, exceeding the level of solvency of the population, characterizes the state of the economic crisis. Negative consequences of this process are:

  • a sharp drop in the level of welfare of the population;
  • increasing unemployment;
  • reduction of all indices of the socio-economic development of the subject.
    crisis features

Business in a crisis, depending on the specificsactivity, level of competence in the field of crisis management, has both negative and positive development scenarios. On the one hand, under severe conditions, the risk of bankruptcy increases. On the other hand, new opportunities and resources are opening up. And with their proper use, it is possible to find options for both diversification and quality growth.

Family Crisis

The institution of marriage and family is an indicatorstate of society. Any crisis is reflected in the family institution, which is displayed in the statistics of birth and mortality rates, divorces and marriages, unemployment rate and other important indicators (consumption, marginalization).

crisis overcoming

The term "family" is derived from the Latin word"Fames" (hunger). The family performs the function of protecting and meeting the vital needs of a person. In a crisis, an acute problem arises - the fall in the incomes of most families. Therefore, the economic situation is threatened.

The problem of how people survive in a crisis, howThis affects the institution of the family - state, not private. Therefore, for critical periods of development, the adoption of anti-crisis measures in relation to the social institution of marriage is characteristic, which is announced in special state programs of family support.

Socio-demographic crisis

The problem of the institution of family and marriage is a kindsocio-demographic crisis. The latter is broader in scope. It includes, in addition to the institution of the family, migration services, the institution of religion and other social systems. Problems in this area are a threat to the security of the state and require the adoption of drastic measures by the government.

Fracture periods show a decrease.the birth rate, the death rate and suicides increase, which leads to depopulation of the population with all the economic consequences. To get out of the socio-demographic crisis, programs are being developed with social management tools aimed at priority problem-solving. First of all, these are measures of an economic order aimed at increasing the level of people's well-being, redistributing migration flows, and changing the level of natural income of the population.

Crisis as a process

Any phenomena of life are dynamic.Crisis is a process. At the heart of any process lies the development in the form of a dialectical unity of opposites. The basis of the development of society as a social system is the principle of self-development - the process of reproduction of potential.

how to survive business in a crisis
Indeed, the social processes themselvescontinue, they do not stop even in times of crisis. Moreover, in some cases they are developing more rapidly due to the redistribution of energy. What is critical as a contradiction? To understand how to survive in a crisis, you should know the nature of this phenomenon.

Crisis Dialectic

First, the confrontation of subject relations at all levels, up to the default of states. The manifestation of the unity and struggle of opposites is reflected in all social phenomena.

Secondly, the disproportionquantitative and qualitative changes. A vivid example of this is the financial, mortgage problems of today. The amount of money does not match the need for a social product. An increase in the money supply directly leads to a decrease in the value of money. This is the most superficial example. Causal laws have deeper grounds. Certain quantitative changes accumulate over the years to provoke a qualitative turn of development.

В-третьих, закон отрицания проявляется в полной at least: the old forms of economic relations that have outlived their mission do not satisfy the new quality of social needs and demands. A crisis is a discrepancy between the form and content of the mode of production, the gap in the development of society and the transition to a new level of socio-economic relations.

The nature of the crisis and ways to overcome

Жить в эпоху перемен считается не лучшим option. But Russia did not know calm times. Moreover, the crisis is a permanent form of development of Russian society. The reason for this is many factors.

how to survive in a crisis
For example, the scale of the state.The dynamics of processes and transformations are not able to fit into the scale of the country. It is important to understand that overcoming the crisis is a natural state of development. You should not see the tragedy of society in a crisis. On the contrary, these are always opening opportunities. A person, if he perceives a crisis as a constant search for the best forms for a changing and dynamic reality, must be psychologically ready to constantly develop his abilities and, through his application, improve himself and the world around him. It is worth turning to the classics. Examples of how to survive in a crisis become worthy of the literary genre. For example, the Theodore Dreiser trilogy "The Financier".

Modern economic crisis

Современное состояние общества – это очередная transformation of socio-economic relations, demonstrating the inability of modern management to resolve the contradictions that have arisen. How can an ordinary person, a citizen of a society, an entrepreneur acting at his own peril and risk, maintain his economic and social security and freedom? Simply put, how to survive a business in a crisis? How to protect yourself a simple citizen?

Ways to overcome the crisis for business

Knowing the nature of the crisis, it is important to understand that this is not a collapse, but a dialectical process of getting rid of old forms that do not meet the needs of the present time.

  1. It is important to preserve the resource potential, assets (material and intellectual).
  2. Save value and increase prices, give up discounts.
  3. Do not plan high-risk deals.
  4. Restrict reliable partnerships.
  5. Concentrate on profitable projects with a high level of margins.

A business in crisis resembles a ship in a stormy ocean. Sometimes it is better to “dry the oars”, save the resource state and submit to the elements so that at the right moment, after the storm, catch up.

How do people survive the crisis?

In order to survive in a crisis and look to the future positively, you should use not only personal resources, but also government anti-crisis programs:

  • take the opportunity to rent land for growing crops, which will help feed the family and sell the surplus for profit;
  • learn how to maintain a family budget for the analysis of cost items with the aim of possible savings and reallocation of funds;
  • suspend construction in progress or other costly family projects until favorable conditions occur;
  • rent out available free real estate (land, cottages, housing);
  • actively offer their resources in the market that do not require investments: consulting, tutoring, household and private services.

crisis problems

The main rule in times of crisis is to activate personal potential, not to start projects that require raising funds, to minimize costs.

Business processes and the crisis of society

In a state of instability and absenceorientations, slowing down the activity of business processes, everything that is characterized by a crisis, now nobody is in a hurry to make forecasts, neither professional experts, nor political figures, nor authority. There are good reasons for this.

global crisis
Forecasting crisis in modern conditionshas a very large degree of error. Since the crisis is long-term, large-scale, it affects global political systems. It is only known that, like any process, it will provide new opportunities for development. The issue price for these opportunities remains open.

Recommendations on how to keep a business in a crisis, affect not only business interests, but alsoeach person and society as a whole. The universal “safety cushion” in times of crisis are general principles: not to lose value, not to undertake new projects due to changing game conditions and legal foundations, save resources for opening opportunities and be ready to engage in active processes at the slightest opened perspective, have ready-made forms for needs of society.