Modern spoken language is changing very much.dynamically, and sometimes it is difficult for us to keep track of new words of slang. What does it mean to "fumble" in the understanding of contemporary Russian-speaking people, you will learn in this article.
Using a slang expression
Most Russian-speaking people know:This word was used in the spoken language of Russian people before, but now it has become especially fashionable among young people, and you can hear it much more often.
What did it mean to "fumble" people literallya few years ago, can be easily understood by analyzing numerous interviews, reading newspapers well or simply by asking your friends. They will immediately tell you that fumbling means to understand something well, to master any activity at the level necessary to explain an object or phenomenon to another person.
Initial value
What does it mean to "fumble," does not understand a person who perceives words in their literal sense, because the original interpretation of this word sounds like this:
- Sharit - look to the touch, try to findsome thing in a hard-to-reach place, digging, rummaging, fingering, probing. The word "fumble" is used in the context of the search "in a hurry." Also this word can be used in the sense of "digging without demand in other people's things."

What does the word "fumble" mean, will not understandan intelligent person, after all, if you choose expressions, the word "seek" will sound much more polite. Either way, the word has the right to exist in the form of a slang expression.
What does it mean to "fumble" for young people?
The word "fumble" has become so popular, becauseamong young people - Internet users and social networks - there was a real cult of fashion, every teenager wants to put on branded things or their more or less original falsifications.
In fashion, young guys now have clothes and accessoriesfrom the nineties, at the moment the clothing of street guys-skaters, clothes of firms THRASHER, PALACE and many others is again actual. Those young guys and girls who think that they understand brand clothes and in modern fashion in general, say about themselves that they "fumble" in all existing fashion trends.