Emma Charlotte Duer Watson (the girl's husband, ah,more precisely, the candidates for his seat, will be listed below) - a well-known foreign actress. It was born in 1990 in the suburbs of Paris. The popularity gained at the age of nine, starring in a series of paintings about Harry Potter. 5.4 million dollars - that's the size of the fee, which was received for this film by Emma Watson. The husband and children have not yet appeared with the actress, since almost all the free time she devotes to her career.
First role
The girl's parents worked as lawyers and divorced,when the future star and her brother were very small. Naturally, the children stayed with their mother. At the age of three, Emma decided that she would be an actress. Mother strongly supported the new hobby of her daughter. Watson never got a special education, but regularly sharpened the acting skills in practice.
In 1999, the girl got to the casting of the picture"Harry Potter". She did not even expect to win, but fate decreed otherwise: after eight plays, Emma got the role of Hermione. And about the fame and money that fell on her after the release of the film, she could not even dream of. Discovered fame provided Watson with invitations to major projects for years to come. Until now, her career has not ceased to develop.

Tom Felton
Во время работы над картиной «Гарри Поттер» Эмма fell in love with one of the partners on the set. It was Tom Felton, who played Draco Malfoy. The young man perfectly embodied on the screen the image of a small villain. In an interview, Watson confessed that this was her first love. Feelings did not pass during the filming of two films. Colleagues of the actors assumed that Felton is the future husband of Emma Watson. But soon the youthful infatuation grew into a strong friendship.
Tom Ducker
A more serious feeling overtook the girl already inseventeen years of age. Emma met a pretty athlete Tom Ducker. Lovers spent a lot of time together and even went to rest on the French Riviera. But a year later the passion passed, and a break occurred.

Jay Barrymore
It was this bank employee who became the nextinfatuation with Watson. At that time Jay was 27 years old, and Emma turned 19. The couple carefully concealed her novel. But he was not destined to last long. Barrymore lived in the UK, and Watson in the United States, since she studied at Brown University. They rarely saw each other, which led to the separation, two years after the beginning of the novel.
Rafael Cebrian
Emma was not alone for long.Soon, the actress spun an affair with a musician from Spain named Rafael Cebrian. He studied in the same course as Watson. But the relationship lasted only a few months without leaving a serious trace in the biography of the artist.
Francis Bullet
It is this leading TV show "Made in Chelsea"was considered the media as a potential husband of Emma Watson. All ruined the ambitions of Bull. He said that he does not want to be a boyfriend of a children's actress. Also, Francis did not want to be promoted at the expense of Watson, because she was at times more popular than the presenter. He himself put an end to their novel. This attitude is very offensive to Emma. The girl does not want to hear anything about Bull and does not communicate with him, even when he meets the presenter at different events.

Roberto Aguirre
With this classmate for college, Watson linkedjust a passing novel. The feelings of young people also quickly faded away, as they were born. Emma and Roberto remained in friendly relations. Now they communicate like old friends.
George Craig
After the shooting in the picture of Harry Potter girlwas noted in another film - "Ballet shoes". And then Emma decided to try his hand at modeling. The actress already had a similar experience in the teenage version of the magazine "Vog". Now she received invitations from well-known brands to advertise various products.
In 2009, Watson signed a contract with"Burberry". The British fashion house just released an autumn-winter collection of clothes, and Emma became her face. For this actress received a six-figure fee. On the set for the next collection of the brand, the girl met George Craig, who headed the group "Only One Night". The musician also collaborated with the "Burberry" as a model. Between the actors a violent romance was twisted, and the press already dubbed George the future husband of Emma Watson. But after a few months of the relationship, the young people realized that they were too different.

Johnny Simmons
With this actor, the heroine of this articlemet on the shooting of the film "The difficulties of life of an outcast." Emma fell in love at first sight. She thought Johnny was the best guy in the world. Her feelings were so strong that the girl introduced Simmons to her parents. They were happy for their daughter, because Johnny was an excellent candidate for the role of Emma Watson's future husband. The young man was very fond of the actress. But after the completion of the filming of their relationship ended. Emma returned to London, where she continued her studies at Oxford.
Will Adamovich
With this musician Watson had the longestand a serious relationship. Emma met Will in 2011 in Oxford. In the press, their romance began to be discussed only in 2012, when they appeared together at the California music festival. But Will did not become Emma's husband Watson. In the life of the actress, there was practically no time for relationships. Dense work schedule did not leave time for communication with the chosen one.
Matthew Jenny
Именно он стал очередным парнем Эммы.Together with rugby player Watson went on a trip to the Caribbean. Judging by their communication, young people had very warm feelings for each other. Jenny just did not step away from the actress. But the ending of the novel turned out to be unhappy. Unexpectedly for everyone, Emma and Matthew parted ways, without telling the reasons. It was noticeable that the girl was very hard to survive this gap.

William Knight
Soon her loneliness brightened up this nobodyfamous manager who sells computers. William is ten years older than Emma. Many people do not understand how he could attract one of the most beautiful Hollywood stars. It is possible that Knight will be the spouse of the heroine of this article. After all, before that, she entered into relations only with peers and did not communicate with a self-confident man.
Newspaper ducks
Periodically in the press there are pictures of the actress cdifferent young people. And they sign it like this: "Emma Watson with her husband." The photos, of course, are real, but here are the signatures under them invented. After all, officially the girl is free and not burdened by family ties.