Do you consider yourself an ace to solve all sorts ofcrosswords? Repeatedly won prizes in magazines, sending the right decisions to the contests? Admit it, it's quite easy to fill in the cells with letters, especially if you connect Google and the encyclopedia to help your erudition.

Вы здесь имеете дело с головоломкой совсем иного kind of. Erudition is useless - you need to arm yourself with logic. Before solving Japanese crosswords, let's remember their basic laws. The main help in solving the hidden pattern will be the rule of exclusion. Regarding our problem, it says: “If the cell on the field should be painted black, it no longer remains empty.” What does it mean? Consider the example of the easiest pattern - the ship.
In the first stage of solving a puzzle,There is no image. There are only numbers above and to the left of a blank field divided for your convenience into 5x5 cells. The numbers above indicate how many squares should be painted vertically, and on the left side indicate the number of black cells horizontally. If there are several digits, it means that there must be at least one space between the black columns or rows. If at the top are, for example, the numbers 2 and 4, this means that a column of four cells should be placed under a vertical line of two squares. Similarly, the ranks of the clues of numbers on the left should be placed. Clear? Now how to solve Japanese crosswords, and where to start this process.

In the puzzle that we took asexample, there is a field of four large squares. Thus, we have ten vertical and ten horizontal points for painting the invisible picture so far. Carefully study the numbers on the side and at the top of the blank field. Look: in the same row on the left is indicated the number 10. And this means that all ten small squares in this line should be painted over. We do it. Now we see that a similar dozen are also present in the column above the field. We draw and vertical line. Now we have two crossed lines. How to solve Japanese crosswords further?
Мы замечаем, что в некоторых колонках указывается number 1, which means the following: only one cell in a column or a line must be black. We already have one such - it turned out as a result of holding a solid line. The logical law says that all other cells of the field should remain white. Therefore, we can confidently mark these places with dots or draw a light yellow marker along these horizontal or vertical fields.

Their principle is the same as in black and white.But the numbers indicated outside the working field are marked with different colors - blue, red, green, yellow. How to solve Japanese crosswords in this case? Armed with a pack of pencils or felt-tip pens. And logic, of course. The rule remains the same - first we are looking for a number that would take the most field. If there is none (say, a field of 20 cells, and the maximum number-hint is 18), we must understand that no matter how the column or line is located, 16 cells in the middle will still be painted over. Try now as a workout to solve your own crossword with the sun.