Air pollution

The process of air pollution continuesthe first millennium, but never before it was as intense as in the last dozen years. The only influence that a person once had on the atmosphere, causing air pollution, this is the use of fire.Because of this, the walls of the dwelling suffered and it became difficult to breathe indoors, but the warmth that gave people a flame was much more important. Even when the ancient people were concentrating in fairly large groups, this did not pose a threat to the atmosphere. So it was until the nineteenth century. And in the last hundred years, such technological processes, which a man could not even imagine, once became widespread. And what about the uncontrolled growth of millionaires, which is no longer possible to stop. Pollution of atmospheric air - this is certainly the result of people's activities.

There are three categories of sourcesatmospheric pollution: industrial, domestic, transport. In different parts of the earth the share of each species is very different. In general, the greatest harm is brought by industry.

Thermal power plants together with smoke are thrown inatmosphere carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, enterprises processing black and especially non-ferrous metals throw out oxides of nitrogen, chlorine, ammonia, fluorine, hydrogen sulphide, phosphorus, mercury particles. Cement and chemical plants are also a source of pollution. The harmful gases that result from the combustion of various fuels for industry, home heating, transport operation, waste recycling are also causes of air pollution.

By themselves, pollution is primary andsecondary. The first immediately enter the atmosphere, and the latter are formed as a result of the transformation and splitting of the primary pollutants. For example, sulfur dioxide is converted to sulfuric anhydride, which interacts with water vapor and generates droplets of sulfuric acid. If sulfuric anhydride reacts chemically with ammonia, ammonium sulfate is isolated in the form of crystals.

The hazards to the atmosphere are pyrogenic sources that cause air pollution - enterprises of chemical and metallurgical industry, thermal power plants, boiler plants. As a result of their activities, the following harmful substances are released:

- Carbon monoxide.It is formed when its compounds are not completely burned. In the air, it leaves after the combustion of solid waste, with exhausts and emissions of enterprises. Carbon oxide actively reacts with many elements of the atmosphere and gradually contributes to the growth of temperature on the entire planet.

- Sulphurous anhydride. This substance is the result of burning fuel, which includes sulfur, as well as processing it in the form of ore.

- Sulfuric anhydride is the result of oxidation of the above substance. It is absorbed into the soil with rainwater, acidifying it.

Air pollution causes cosmic dust, which is releasedafter the combustion of meteorites passing through the atmosphere. Every year on earth a huge amount of "garbage" from space - up to five million tons. Dust from the ground - it's part of the atmosphere, its main sources are the steppes and deserts, volcanoes, fungi, decay and decomposition products of plants and animals.

The air above the surface of the oceans contains small particles of sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium salts that appear after the water spray dries.

It should be noted that the natural air pollution does not threaten with negative consequences for any biocenosis and living organisms, however, a short-term negative influence is not excluded.

Dust in the atmosphere provokes an early accumulation of condensate and, as a consequence, precipitates are formed more quickly. It also significantly reduces the penetration of solar radiation, protecting living organisms.