During pregnancy, girls become verycapricious and susceptible to any, even the most insignificant events due to the ever-changing hormonal background. Therefore, you need to pick up a pregnant girlfriend for a birthday present in advance. How to choose a present to please her? The ideal gift should be original, accessible at a price and necessarily useful.
Therefore, it is difficult to find a pregnant girlfriend a gift. Which to choose? Now give some useful recommendations on this issue.
Present for the girl at the initial period of pregnancy
Positive emotions are needed by any person, andthey are simply necessary for a pregnant woman. And the more, the better. While the state of pregnancy lasts, several holidays can take place, and a birthday including. Therefore, the relevance of the topic with the choice of a gift is always at a high level. Ideas for presents can be distributed depending on the period of pregnancy of the girlfriend. So, what to give to a pregnant girlfriend for her birthday?
From 1 to 3 months a woman is just startingto realize that a new life has arisen and is developing within it. Pregnancy still does not tire the girl, weight practically former and a stomach or belly it is not visible yet. So what gift to choose a pregnant girlfriend for her birthday on such a date?

It can be a diary of a future mother.In it, she can record any changes that occur in her body. In addition, a great many diaries, which can now be found, will allow you to choose the one that will please even the most capricious girl.
If a friend does not like to record, then you canchoose for her a book that is associated with pregnancy. In order to find an answer to a particular question on the Internet, it takes a long time to find up-to-date information, and often data can be discredited. A book can be chosen such that it will be easy to read, and the information in it will be useful. But it should be remembered that it is better to choose a book without complex medical terms that can frighten a pregnant girlfriend.
Gifts for health
Proper nutrition is good for a future mother.This food can be delicious. This can be achieved if you give a pregnant girlfriend a multivark. This will not only simplify her life, but also allow you to cook faster, without the unnecessary worries and smells that cause discomfort for the girls in the position.

If the girl is pregnant, this is no reason to forgetabout physical exercises, so such a birthday present, like fitball, will be very practical. Because it is not only useful at any time for a pregnant woman, but also after childbirth for mother and baby will also be very useful.
Gift of a pregnant woman in the second trimester
At the onset of the second trimester (from 4 th to 6 thmonth) the state of the woman constantly fluctuates: on the one hand, there comes the realization that soon the baby will appear, and constant tremors are a reminder of this, and on the other - the mood palette constantly changes, because of swelling, it becomes more difficult to walk, that joy does not add much . What to give a pregnant girlfriend for a birthday, which falls on this period? Support for a girlfriend in this period is very important. Therefore, it is necessary to show the pregnant woman that she is still beautiful.

1.Any woman will be pleased with new cosmetics: whether it is a bottle of shampoo, lotion for the body or cream. It is necessary to stop the choice on means which are intended for pregnant women. They are made from natural ingredients. What, if not new cosmetics, will make me feel like a woman?
2. Beautiful clothes do not happen much, and for any woman the problem of "nothing to wear" is always acute. Therefore, the certificate for purchases for pregnant women will be very handy.

3.What can cheer up better than delicious food? Dinner in a good bar or restaurant on such an excellent occasion as the birthday of a pregnant girlfriend is just a great gift. This will give her the opportunity to unwind, to feel the attention of others.
Gift of the pregnant woman in the third trimester
The closer the day approaches when the baby appearsto the light, the more acute are all the instincts of women, aimed at creating reliable and comfortable conditions for themselves and the baby. This, of course, falls on the third trimester. What to give a pregnant girlfriend for her birthday, when it's harder to guess with the present?
- Tracking changes in your weight is very important for a woman. Therefore, floor electronic scales will be very relevant.

- Calm sleep on late pregnancy -this is a luxury, because in any position it is inconvenient to sleep. Special cushions, which can be placed under your waist or clamped between your legs, will help to solve this problem. Such a gift girlfriend just happy.
- What can be more beautiful than to capture the momentthe birth of a new life? A gift certificate for a photo shoot will help in this. It will only be necessary to decide in advance with the photographer. He must have experience and communication with pregnant women. Also, you should specify in advance the place where the photo session will take place, so as not to torment your girlfriend with long walks to find the place of shooting.
- Pregnancy is a time when it is difficultput on the clothes that are already in the wardrobe. Therefore, the woman in the position will only be pleased with some nice new thing, for example, from knitted fabrics, which will not press and constrain movement. Therefore, a shirt with a positive inscription of a pregnant girlfriend as a gift is perfect.
Pleasant trifles
Также в любой период беременности можно please the girlfriend with different knickknacks. It can be cute statues, scented candles, night lamps. But you need to carefully consider the choice of such trifles, so as not to get the impression that the gift is chosen thoughtlessly. A pregnant woman remains a woman, and this does not mean that now she should only be happy with things for the child and everything related to the children.
Now you know what to give to a pregnant friend.for a birthday. It is always worth remembering that each woman has individual tastes, so there is simply no cliche for choosing a present.