Tired of the usual style? The soul needs variety, and the body meets its own expectations?
What it is?
The dream of a real romantic - the sun, the sea and the whitesand! In a word, summer! A special attitude to this time of the year is formed in the school period. Summer is a vacation, summer is a holiday, summer is freedom! For three months, the swimsuit is firmly in the bag. And sometimes not one. Little did when you can look at the beach! Swimsuit is always needed, but for each occasion is special. Do you want to swim and be alone with nature?
Fashion requires and dictates
For many years, the bikini has been holding a leadership brand insphere of beach fashion. Both comfortable and beautiful, but fashion often does not make a strong emphasis on convenience and dooms its adepts to sacrifice for the sake of aesthetics. Trikini swimwear is very sexy. They leave some room for imagination. Fashion designers are especially enthusiastic about decorating the most unusual part of the swimsuit. Sometimes it seems that this model is not for the beach, but for the release. Sometimes the semitransparency of the material is embarrassing. And sometimes the designer just plays with textures and creates an outrageous work of art. Fabric as a connecting element is used less and less.
Lace knit
Хотите приковать на пляже к себе все взгляды?Then you should consider the Trikini swimwear, crocheted crocheted. These are pretty bold models, regardless of the color range chosen. The most impressive is the white model on tanned skin. Alas, but especially large girls such a swimsuit will not work, since sexuality will grow into pretentiousness and even vulgarity. The easiest way to knit one-piece swimsuit. Take cotton yarn for quality results. For the right calf bodice dial a chain of 6 air loops, and then close the circle. For knitting the second cup, the same trikini crochet swimsuit is used. Between the cups are connected by a chain of 9 air loops. For swimming trunks, dial 15 air loops. If you want, you can make the edging yarn of a different color.
Pros and cons of the model
If the model is chosen correctly, it will be verylook erotic. Trikini swimsuits make a womanly figure, emphasize the bend of the hips, increase the chest. This is a good option for the owner of a non-standard figure and the way out for women after pregnancy or surgery to remove appendicitis.
For the younger generation
Many are interested in whether it is possible to choose suchswimsuit for a girl? Trikini is a universal model, and for a little fashionista it will fit perfectly. Children do not need to emphasize sexuality, but they love convenience. Bright Trikini swimsuit with curly top details is very comfortable and beautiful. If you add a beach skirt, then the child is already fully dressed and ready for a walk before visiting the beach. Of course, it is also not suitable for tanning, but it will be relevant when playing volleyball on the beach. By the way, in the case of a teen swimsuit, Trikini will serve both aesthetic and practical service. Teenage girls are sometimes embarrassed to play on the beach, fearing that they will look awkward, fall down or show the world folds on their stomachs. If you are in a Trikini swimsuit, then at least the last problem is eliminated, because the connecting element makes the swimsuit less open than a bikini. The girl remains beautiful even during the game. And it is so important for little fashionistas!