/ / Style of hippies in clothes for girls

Style of hippies in clothes for girls

The movement of the hippies has been known for more than half a century.Representatives of the direction, as well as fans of other youth movements, you can immediately find out by clothes, hairstyles, manner of behavior. Hippies are perhaps the most harmless subculture, propagating a nomadic way of life. "Children of Flowers" are pacifists by nature, which do not harm any living organism on earth. Freedom-loving, they prefer freedom in everything: art, hairdresses, clothes.

History of the origin of the hippy style

The movement was born in the mid-sixties of the pastcentury in the United States of America. Its original symbol was fresh flowers and buds, which representatives of the movement handed out to everyone who met on their way. Therefore, floral motifs are present in hippy style clothes.

Hippie style dresses

The causes of subculture becameinjustice of the customs of the social environment: the worship of wealth, the leveling of spiritual values, the domination of materialism. All this wounded the tender souls of some young people who decided to unite in a new direction. The name of the movement "hippies" is translated from English as "understanding, knowing". Indeed, the "children of flowers" try to understand and love the world around them, no matter how cruel it may be.

Features of clothes

A distinctive feature of the style of eternal pilgrims is the minimum of clothes. Hippies are not considered shameful in hot days to be denuded to the waist. Naked body emphasizes the freedom and defenselessness of "children of flowers".

Beads and baubles

And yet you have to dress. Dresses in the hippian style can not be confused with any other clothes. The main principles of the direction are:

  1. Free, non-skewing things, sewnon a simple cut. Underwear can be completely absent, since it is inconvenient to be in it. Often girls wear sarafans on their naked bodies, which makes them extremely attractive. However, today an open bra is appropriate.
  2. The hippie style is characterized by eclecticism, that is,a kind of mixture of different directions. Sometimes such things can not be combined with each other. But this makes clothes more interesting and original. The main thing is to rely on your own intuition and imagination.
  3. In the things themselves there is a connection of tissues,which at first glance can not be combined. Over the spacious blouses of flax can be sewn leather or jeans patches, and the seams are processed with woolen threads.
  4. All hippy style clothes are not new or specially aged. It should not have any identifying marks - all kinds of labels or branded labels.
  5. Clothing in the style of hippies for girls are inherentdifferent ethnic motives. Folk ornaments abundantly decorate items of the wardrobe. There are also inserts made of genuine leather, suede or quality substitutes.
  6. An important thing in the wardrobe is a vest, and it's best if there are several. No-sleeves can be made from different fabrics, as well as leather and suede.

Fabrics and colors of things

The main principle of this style is naturalness,so clothes are preferred from natural materials. A unique image is created thanks to a combination of seemingly incongruous elements and bright colors.

The materials from which the wardrobe items are made are:

  • cotton fabrics;
  • linen;
  • suede;
  • leather pieces;
  • fur;
  • denim, which artificially grow old.

Because today mankind is fighting for rightsanimals, even more often instead of genuine leather and suede, quality substitutes are used. Recently, fabrics with woven synthetic fibers have been used in making clothes.

The coloring of the clothes is very diverse.As the photos show, the hippy style is characterized by optimistic colors, bright, juicy, and sometimes acidic tones. But most of all, as a tribute to the past, there remains a natural warm gamma:

  • all shades of brown;
  • burgundy color and its derivatives;
  • red, orange and yellow tones;
  • green and blue.

Such colors are not bright, but pastel, muffled.

Summer Time Clothing

Silhouettes of modern outfits for girls arespacious dresses in the style of hippies, sarafans and loose blouses. Fabrics mostly natural: cotton or linen. If the top is a free T-shirt or T-shirt, then the bottom is a wide maxi skirt with flounces or linen / denim shorts or breeches.

Once the hippie style clothes were of a characterunisex. Therefore, both men and women could wear similar things. Today, women's clothing is significantly different from men's. It is more coquettish, decorated with a lot of ruches and flounces, with a fitted silhouette. Summer tops - short T-shirts with an elastic band on the bottom edge, which make the figure of the girl more attractive, are very popular. Such tops are successfully combined with non-replaceable jeans or breeches from denim. They also create a beautiful ensemble with a wide skirt, and with a free sarafan on the straps.

Warm clothes

The style of hippies in clothes for girls suggests andwinter wardrobe. As warmed outerwear is the same free denim jacket, equipped in our time, often with fur underpants. Especially popular, as before, are sweaters of rough mating, trimmed with fur, feather and leather inserts. Now they, however, have somewhat changed. Sweaters became more accurate and flirtatious, warm cardigans with symbolic hippie patterns appeared. Also suitable are warm knitted or knitted capes-ponchos. They are also generously decorated with all sorts of ribbons, feathers and laces. If before the poncho was made on the principle of a square with a hole for the head, now it can have a clasp in the center and even openings on the sides for the hands.

Eternal Jeans

And in hot and cold weather, those who aresoul clothes hippies, with pleasure wear pants from denim. The most stylish item in the wardrobe is a slightly flared jeans with ethnic inserts. Often they are decorated with embroidered patterns and all kinds of laces, fringes and wooden ornaments.

The length of the cultured trousers reaches almost the ground, and by cut they resemble classic jeans. Let us assume only a minor flare.

Modern hippy style jeans

Often trousers made of denim are monochrome, but foremphasizing their belonging to this direction, jeans simply painted with original drawings or patterns, embroidered with threads and even beads. All the manifestations of fantasy and handmade girls in the style of hippies are still welcome.

Shoes and hats

In summer, real hippies prefer to walkbarefoot, to feel the warmth of mother earth. However, in modern stylistics, shoes are used along with other items of the wardrobe. Unlike bright and bright clothes, the characteristic footwear of this direction is minimal and completely invisible. Most often these are woven sandals, flip-flops or flip-flops. Characteristic are also sneakers or rag moccasins.

Men and women hippies

In the cold season, stylish boots are usedor boots trimmed with fringe or lacing. Shoes, as a rule, on a low heel for greater ease of movement. However, modern desperate fashionistas still use shoes with heels or on a platform.

Original hippy style hats are also original.Wide-brimmed straw hats, rag-top hats, or cloth bandages are sometimes supplemented with colorful Rastaman berets. And if the hats reliably protect the head from the scorching rays of the sun, then knitted headdresses are designed to protect in the winter.


Characteristic ornaments of this direction are all kinds of bracelets and braided baubles that young people can make with their own hands or order from masters.

Hippie style clothes

As a symbolic decoration, the sign "pacifier" or an inverted chicken foot is still used.

Bags and bandages are made of all sorts of materials: wooden beads, beads, ribbons, feathers, thread floss, etc.

A characteristic accessory is a handbag throughshoulder or neck - ksivnik. The modern look of the Xivier has changed a little. It has become more neat, and as straps now can be used not only strips of fabric, but also large beads, intertwined multi-colored ribbons, leather or suede handles, etc.


From the bright scorching sun, in addition to the hats, the girls are protected by dark glasses, the glasses of which can be of various sizes and shapes. Especially popular are the glasses-hearts.

In the girl's ears, colorful earrings are engraved, which are often the result of a handmade. Today, natural materials of jewelry are intertwined with the elements of costume jewelry.

Undoubted decoration is also the bright neck scarves, which are often used for other purposes: they tie jeans and skirts instead of the belt, or even simply intercept the knee or elbow.

Beads, rings, bracelets are in large quantities and in an unusual combination on the principle of generous-rich.

Hairstyles in the style of hippies

In our days, besides the original clothes andattributes, there is a characteristic and special style of hairstyles. Actually, like everything natural, the ringlets of girls are not subjected to any special packing. Or the use of laying means is minimal.

Girls prefer to wear long loose hair, intercepted with colorful ribbons, hoops or decorated with fresh flowers.

Hairstyles in the style of hippies

Hairstyles, like the rest of the style attributes,symbolize freedom-loving nature. Classical hairstyle in the style of hippies - it's loose hair, intercepted by a bandage in the middle of the forehead. However, there are various modifications:

  • Two side scythes with bright ribbons interwoven into them;
  • two thin plaits coming from the temples and fixed to the back of the head;
  • Tails tied in several places with bright ribbons and elastic bands.

Today, for example, hippian curls are worn by famous Hollywood stars: Madonna, Nicole Richie, Misha Barton. The popularity of this style is largely due to its simplicity and sophistication.