/ / I wonder why the silver cross turns black?

I wonder why the silver cross turns black?

Silver is one of the richest on mysticalmetal values. It is used both for decorations and in ceremonial acts in Christianity. Also used by his followers of all kinds of occult sciences. It is believed that this metal is clean, can protect its owner from the effects of evil spirits, slander and evil eyes. It is with this that almost all the sorcerers explain why the silver cross turns black on some people. Say, they jinxed them, so the metal reacts.

why does the silver cross blacken
Actually an explanation of why silvercross blackens, you can find a few. And not all of them are connected with mysticism. Of course, one can also believe in this explanation, especially since initially a cross is hung around the neck at the rite of baptism, when a person receives the protection of God over himself. But if you think logically, not only the crosses darken. Any other piece of jewelry can also darken: a ring, earrings, bracelets. What is the reason?

Another common opinion is whyThe silver cross is blackened; it is a link between silver and diseases of the body. It is believed that the darkening of these ornaments signals of diseases of the liver and kidneys. However, there is no scientifically confirmed data on this subject. One thing is definitely known - the reason why the silver chain turns black, the cross and other decorations, is a chemical reaction. Yes, yes, it all comes down to conventional chemistry. The fact is that any silver products contain copper, which is highly oxidized. And the main oxidizer for it is the usual human sweat, or rather the amino acids contained in it, which include sulfur compounds. They cause the reaction.

why does a silver chain turn black,
But why does the silver cross blacken most often?The answer to this question lies in the structure of the human body. It is on the chest where the cross is hung on a chain that the largest number of sweat glands is located. During the day, the body of any person produces a sufficiently large amount of sweat and sebum, to which silver reacts.

Then the question immediately becomes ripe:"Why does not the silver cross blacken at all and not always?" To answer it, one should also recall the lessons of anatomy. Each of us has a different composition of sweat. It is defined as a hormonal background, and the general state of the body and metabolism. It happens so that when hormonal storms occur in the human body, when metabolism accelerates or simply when physical exertion increases, lifestyle changes, diet or place of residence change, the composition of sweat begins to change. Accordingly, the level of amino acids also changes or, as it sounds familiar, the level of acidity of sweat changes. With an increase in this level, silver oxidation processes begin to occur more actively.

why does the silver cross blacken
So, if silver has darkened on you, do notbe discouraged. Perhaps you just changed your lifestyle a little, but just in case, if you jealously monitor your health, if the jewelry is dark, you should have a blood test for hormone levels. After all, it may be that such a trifle will help in time to establish the threat of a disease hanging over the body.