/ What to wear to a modern person?

What to wear to a modern man?

what to wear with what

In this world, each of us strives steadilyfollow fashion trends. Any modern person, creating his own unique image, when choosing clothes, is sure to ask questions about what to wear, how to choose the right color and style of wardrobe items.

In the event that your appearance to youNot indifferent, one should adhere to certain rules when choosing things. If it's winter in the street, then what to wear? In the event that in the woman's wardrobe there is a fashionable, slightly fitted short coat, it will perfectly match with the voluminous skirt. In the cold, many women like to wear wide trousers or jeans. A coat-cloak will suit them. There are women who prefer to have direct classic skirts in their wardrobe. For them, it is recommended to choose a coat of a certain length. In this case, the skirt should look out from under the floor for no more than ten to twelve centimeters. If in winter a woman prefers wearing a practical and comfortable down jacket, then much depends on its length. What to wear under it? In the event that this fashionable and very comfortable thing closes your knees, then it will perfectly match the narrow pants or a pencil skirt. Original boots with no heels or classic models of boots will look original with a long down jacket. However, such shoes are worn only in combination with trousers. If you prefer skirts, then choose your boots with a heel. Even low, he will give the image a femininity and elegance. Invariably popular is a short down jacket combined with jeans. Such a composition is equally good for both men and women. This alliance of things is particularly practical and comfortable.

Modern men who prefer coats of suchForms, like a pea coat or trench coat, should be worn with narrow trousers. Not bad will look and dark blue jeans. Approach to a coat of this style trousers of black or gray colors. Headgear and classic shoes adequately complete the overall composition. Their tone should match the color of the coat.

what to wear in summer
What to wear with in the spring season?Knitted or knitted dresses are an invariable attribute of any woman's wardrobe. They are convenient and practical. Short dresses are better combined with high boots. If the street is already warm, then when choosing shoes, stop looking at the model, which has a wide heel, which does not differ in color from the top.

Short dresses perfectly combine densedark pantyhose. It is not necessary in this case to get involved in shoes with a hairpin, and also try on a short jacket and sandals. One of the latest fashion trends is dresses made from air chiffon or from a thin jersey. At the same time, modern models can be monophonic or have floral prints. What to wear to this dress? In this case, the shoes will look good with high heels. This combination is advantageously complemented by a jacket or cardigan of medium length.

In the spring wardrobe men unchanged attributeis jacket. It is comfortable on cold days. Under it you can put on a vest or a cardigan. A jacket made of leather or raincoat fabric will perfectly protect its owner in rainy or cloudy weather.

What to wear with in the summer?The heat of the warm season is a blouse. Modern fashion designers offer new collections of this wardrobe detail. By purchasing a blouse of classic cut of white or with sleeves-lanterns, you can perfectly combine it with jeans with an overstated waist, and with a single-color skirt or trousers. In cool weather, it is recommended to wear a thin cardigan from cashmere or a business jacket over the costume.

What to wear in the summer with a skirt?If you prefer a classic straight model, then it will perfectly match with a blouse, a strict jacket or a fitted jumper. A skirt in the shape of a trapezoid looks great with a cardigan. On warm days it can be worn with silk blouses. Lovers of miniskirts can buy for their wardrobes tops and turtlenecks. Suitable as a thin vintage, and knitted blouses.

what to wear under

What should a summer wardrobe look like?As a rule, they are invariable practical jeans, t-shirts and stylish shirts. For the cold weather suited sweaters and windbreakers. An excellent universal thing, which is relevant in summer and spring, are white trousers. They can be safely put on with a jacket, shirts and T-shirts, the colors of which can be varied.