The time when sneakers and sneakers were exclusivelysports shoes or were intended for country walks, long past. Now with them it is possible to successfully combine many of the most diverse models of clothing. The result is a unique and extravagant images.

Incredible variety
Designers allow themselves the last seasonbold experiments with sports shoes. Prints, laces, phosphorescent laces, sequins and varnishing are not all that your sneakers on the platform can be decorated with. There is also a wide selection of similar shoes on a traditional thin sole. Eclecticism is in fashion: a combination of fabrics of different density, leather with suede, cotton and embroidery. Trim sneakers on the platform with rhinestones, rivets, various metal elements and applications of all possible colors. Textiles that are used in sports shoes can be adapted for different seasons. Previously, sneakers and sneakers on the platform could be exclusively summer attribute. Now they can be worn in the autumn-winter period.
What combined sneakers on the platform
Casual style suggests a very democraticapproach to the selection of things. Their combinations are limited, in addition to the owner’s fantasy, only by common sense in combining colors and textures. Naturally, sneakers and sneakers can be combined with all sorts of sportswear. Sometimes, it is also possible to pick up sneakers on a high platform (wedge), in contrast to the same models with heels. But best of all they look with shirts and sundresses, dresses in ethnic style, sweaters of free breed and, of course, with things from denim.

Tandem romance and sports
The release of trendy shoes deals with a lotdesigners. In all well-known sports brands can be found in the range of sneakers on the platform. Buy shoes from the famous fashion house Isabel Marant is now possible not only abroad. Although, of course, you can give preference to manufacturers such as Converse or Nike. Isabel Marant has become in recent years an incredibly popular brand, making a bet on the femininity of the models, thanks to which they managed to become iconic in many countries. But the idea to put sports shoes on a platform or heel is not so new - in the early nineties, she first appeared in the wardrobe of the singers of the group “Spice Girls”. But then this fashion, having created a sensation among teenagers, never got to the catwalks. She remained just a bright brushstroke among other unusual manifestations of the subculture.
Повторное появление платформы и каблука в мире sports shoes were not caused by imitation of idols, but by functionality, convenience and the ability to combine the previously incompatible. It is necessary to thank the designers who gave fashionistas of the whole world a chance to realize bold ideas. They now have the opportunity to combine two styles - sporty and romantic, which were previously inexpressibly far from each other.

The only "but"
Only one precaution should be observedmaking wardrobe: no need to combine sneakers on the platform with things designed in a strict business style. Even with the most sophisticated fashionistas this is unlikely to work out well, and office etiquette is likely to suffer.