/ / The best shopping centers in Rome

The best shopping centers in Rome

Рим - это один из самых красивых городов мира, в It is full of various attractions, ranging from the Colosseum to the Vatican. You can plunge into antiquity, walk along the Appian road, visit the ancient baths and much more. However, modern tourists come to Italian cities not only to admire the sights, but also to visit shopping centers and make purchases that are inaccessible to them in their own cities. That is why in this article will be considered the largest shopping centers in Rome, which you can visit when you go to conquer the Eternal City. Italy is famous for its outlet, where you can buy fashionable clothes from leading designers at incredibly low prices. However, this does not mean that Rome's shopping centers include only fashion boutiques. To find out where you should go first, read this article.


shopping centers in Rome

If we consider the largest shopping centersRome, then you can not fail to mention Euroma2. This shopping center is most likely the largest in the city. It was opened not so long ago, in 2008, and since then is one of the most attractive for tourists who want to acquire something from Italy, a place. It is impossible to describe what it is possible to buy here, since everything is sold here, from body care products to ubiquitous clothes. Strictly speaking, in this shopping center you can find absolutely everything the same as in any other, but only at times more. If you are going to visit this shopping center on Monday, then you should remember that it opens several hours later than usual. So for the morning shopping on Monday, you should look into other shopping centers in Rome.


large shopping centers in Rome

This shopping center is famous for the fact that in Rome itis presented not in the singular. It turns out that this is a whole network of establishments, and the shopping center under this name can be found in different cities of Italy. If we talk about the capital, then the big shopping centers in Rome under this name are presented quite widely. You can choose one of four objects depending on where you prefer to go. All these shopping centers of Rome are next to the metro, so you do not have to worry about how to get there. Well, if you are interested in prices, they are traditionally low here, and if you want and a proper share of luck, you can buy the most fashionable clothing items cheaper than for the euro.

Cinecitta Due

shopping centers of Rome near the metro

This article describes the tradingthe centers of Rome, the reviews of which appear exceptionally positive. And Cinecitta Due - this is a shopping center, which you should definitely pay attention to when you are in this wonderful city. This is one of the oldest shopping centers of the modern design, which was built in 1983, that is, more than 35 years ago. This is a unique shopping center, as it was the first in the city, which was attended by entertainment venues. As for diversity, in this aspect there will be no problems, since here you can find more than 120 various shops and boutiques. So you can make purchases, and see, for example, exhibitions of paintings and photographs.

Alberto Sordi

shopping centers rima reviews

If we talk about other better shopping centersRome, then you can not fail to mention Alberto Sordi. What makes it stand out from the others? At least by the fact that it became the first shopping center (and generally a large store) open on the territory of the city. When did he appear? It turns out that it was opened in 1914, more than a hundred years ago. Naturally, since then it was repaired and reconstructed and received its name after the last reconstruction, completed in 2003. Before that, it was called Galleria Colonna and served not only for the sale of goods, but even for political debates. Simply put, this place is not only for shopping, but also for plunging into history.

La Rinascente

the best shopping centers in Rome

Данный торговый центр оказался в этом списке по for the simple reason that it refers to a trademark that opened its first store back in 1865. Stores of this brand can be found throughout Italy, but only in Rome there is a full-fledged shopping center under this name. It is located in a three-story building: a grocery supermarket is located on one floor, perfume shops on the other, and shops and clothing boutiques are on the third (which is hardly surprising to you). There you can choose goods for yourself at a variety of prices, that is, you can find both expensive prestigious stores, and much more affordable options for those who are not willing to spend too much.


This shopping center is different from other topics,which is at the same time also entertaining. And at the same time, he copes well with both functions. Here you can both make purchases in more than 200 different stores, and relax and unwind. And entertainment is available for adults and children, and even in a huge variety. Therefore, this particular shopping center is considered one of the best (if not the best) places for family shopping. If you come here with children, you will not regret, as an unforgettable experience will receive absolutely everything. However, it should be noted that public transport does not connect this shopping center with the whole city, so it will not work. But there is a way out, because quite often you can sit in a special shuttle that takes customers directly from the central station of the city.

Naturally, this is not all shopping centers,which are on the territory of the beautiful city of Rome. You can explore the capital of Italy, admire the sights and look for places to go shopping. But it is worth remembering that all the largest shopping centers, as is customary in Europe, are located on the outskirts of the city, away from tourist centers. Accordingly, you will have to prepare yourself and find out exactly where you need to go to find one or another shopping center in this big city. However, if we are talking about those shopping centers that were described in this article, then they will not have any problems. Most of them are located near the metro, easily accessible by land transport, and everyone on the street can easily tell you which direction to drive, as they are incredibly popular and famous.