/ / Dream of every woman, or The most expensive fur coats in the world

The dream of every woman, or the most expensive coats in the world

We admit honestly:every beautiful lady dreams of throwing on her shoulders a luxurious fur coat made of natural fur. For their sewing, fur of vicuña, mink, chinchilla, sable, fox, fox, lynx, rabbit, etc. are used.


the most expensive fur coats

Probably, now many women of fashion will come toconfusion, when they find out that the most expensive and valuable in the world is vicuña fur. This animal belongs to the genus Lamas and is considered the most valuable in Peru. The state emblem of this country shows a graceful vicuna. Noble animals live in high mountains. In the mountains they survive thanks to soft and warm wool. It was she who nearly caused the disappearance of these animals from the face of the earth. Vikunya skin is very thin and soft. However, fur coats from this fur are sewed very rarely, more often they make woolen cloth that resembles cashmere a little. The meter of such material costs about 3000 dollars. That is why elite clothes from the most valuable fur vicuña are made only by famous fashion houses.

Barguzin Sable

Perhaps, this is the most expensive and valuable domesticfur. It produces very beautiful products of chocolate color, sometimes with glimpses of gray hue. At a recent auction in St. Petersburg, the fur of this animal was constantly growing in price. As a result, each skins was sold for 1,300 dollars. This is a record price for the sable. Thus, sable fur coat costs at least $ 200,000. However, the price of the product depends not only on the quality of the fur, it affects the exclusivity and the name of the author. It is known that designers of well-known fashion houses make fur products to order, as a rule, in a single copy. Sable skins are often called black gold. This name refined fur received for its beauty, unusual coloring, softness and solid value.

the most expensive coat price


According to experts, the most expensive fur coatsare also made of chinchilla fur. It is also often called the most expensive. Chinchilla is very dense fur. In a common fur-bearing animal, only one hair grows from one hair bulb, while in a chinchilla it is 60-80 at once! The height of the villi is 3 centimeters. So far, it is produced very little, so it is especially appreciated. This is confirmed by the price of the outerwear of chinchilla. The most expensive coat, the price of which can exceed $ 100,000, is not available to everyone.


Undoubtedly, this is the most popular fur.The fur coat is light and durable. Fashion for them introduced the stars of Hollywood in the thirties of last century. In recent years, this fur has been the subject of experiments by fashion designers. He is plucked, sheared, painted in various colors, uses the latest technological design of the design. The most expensive mink coat costs more than 20,000 dollars.


Many believe that the most expensive coats are made of lynx. The largest and most beautiful are the Scandinavian lynx. It is interesting that the most valuable is the fluffy and

the most expensive mink coat
soft white abdomen.The more distinct the black spots on it, the more valuable the fur. Lynx fur coats are made exclusively from side skins. This fur is practically not processed. This coat can cost more than a mink and even a sable. The reason is simple - the lynx is a rare and cautious beast, they are not bred anywhere, and it is extremely difficult to obtain a license for shooting. The most expensive lynx fur coats will cost you more than 100,000 dollars.


Today we look at the most expensive fur coats.To them can be attributed and products from martens. This is a fur that has long been used by man. Outwardly, it looks very much like a sable, but not so thick. In Russia, the mentioned fur always represented value, and in Europe, where the sable is not found, it successfully occupied its niche. It has a wide color range - from light gray to dark brown. Has a thick and fluffy undercoat and a long silky pile. Especially valuable are the skins obtained in winter, when the fur is particularly thick. Effective, light and warm coat of marten will cost you a little more than 7000 dollars.