/ / History of the perfume brand "Bayredo". Perfume for the free spirits

The history of the perfume brand "Bayredo". Perfume for the free spirits

This Swedish perfume is produced like allselective perfume, limited edition, so that the mass, according to the author, does not “kill” the fragrance itself. The brand, created only 10 years ago, has already conquered the whole world with its unusual creations. All perfumes are bottled in identical bottles with a large white label so that nothing distracts from the fragrant content.

Byredo history

It must be said that the history of the brand Byredo begannot from perfumes, but from the release of candles of various shapes, which pleased all customers with a luxurious appearance and a subtle smell in the room. For many Swedes, not cheap, but a very unusual candle became the best gift.

spirits baredo african ball

After that, Ben Gorham, who founded the perfumerybrand, engaged in the release of perfumes, saying that these are not just fragrances, but “the state of his soul”. Thus, it was only its own way, without copying anyone and creating unusual works, the company "Bayredo". Perfume brands are distinguished by their special originality, and fans with great interest are always waiting for new collections.

Love of freedom

Freedom and unusual attitude to lifeexpressed in tattoos founder Byredo, who makes them from early youth and can not stop. When Ben was asked if he was going to release his fragrances, he replied in the negative and added that in this case his production was in for a real crash. The creator of the brand invents the concept of his compositions, and famous perfumers, Jerome Epinett and Olivia Giacobetti, put them into practice.

Provocation M / Mink

Focusing first on the release of women's fragrances,The brand "Bayredo", whose perfumes are becoming real style icons, later successfully proceeds to the production of men's perfumes. In 2010, the world was introduced to M / Mink, which became for many a real shock and shock. The fragrance, often described as “strange,” attracted and repelled itself. It is based on the specific smell of ink, which miraculously turns into a finished work.

bairedo perfume

Synthetic molecule with complexdisclosure of notes, it becomes a real provocation in the world of perfumery. Spirits, designed to shock others, have gained their loyal fans, although they also have a lot of opponents.

Perfume "Bayredo": "African Ball"

But probably the most popular brand fragrance.Bal D "Afrique, which amazed fans of the brand with its rich colors. The unisex composition is an unusual mixture of African and French cultures. Ben brought to life his idea of ​​exotic and hot Africa, the most incredible pictures change, as if in a kaleidoscope.

spirits baredo african ball reviews

The enticing secrets of the distant continent are closely related toParisian peace of the 20s of the last century. The charming atmosphere of the balls held at that time is elegantly combined with the wild colors of the hot deserts.

Expressive woody notes drown in velvetysoft violets, intoxicating amber teasing with sweetish shades, and transparent jasmine sounds gentle and touching. The solidity of the fragrance is reinforced by the loud sound of manly cedar woven together with a smoky vetiver enveloping a soft shawl.

Fragrant bestseller

Spirits "Bayredo" "African Ball", reviews ofwhich are full of the most vivid emotions, embodied in a romantic composition, which has long become a true perfume bestseller. Many people note the tenderness and special energy of an unusual aroma, sparkling with warm and piercingly cold notes at the same time, which creates a magical effect. Spirits are equally loved by women and men, on whom the selective fragrances of the brand are revealed in different ways.

Private project that has gained popularity

For Christmas 2012 releases limitededition of the new fragrance as a gift for colleagues brand "Bayredo". Perfume 1996 Inez & Vinoodh become the most successful project, the fame of the juniper-iris composition goes to the people, and the company decides to release the fragrance for all its fans.

On this amazing smell with pronouncedCognac notes "Bayredo" was inspired by the work of friends-photographers, praised by a new picture of a charming girl who closed her eyes in anticipation of magic. The image, which at the same time combines the touchingness of the child and the special sensuality, became the impetus for creating an emotional flavor, which embodied the first reaction to an amazing photo by Bayredo perfumers. The perfume opens with almost frozen juniper berries and transfers the wearer to a new fragrant journey that ends with a soft leather chord and steaming notes of patchouli.

bayredo perfume 1996

At that moment, life stops, there is onlyfascinating smell, not releasing the owner for a minute. At first, bright and ringing, he begins to lose its density, and in the base it becomes an almost elusive reminder of the olfactory journey made.

Unique perfume brand "Bayredo", perfumewhich the scents of nature itself bring to life, creates creations not for everyone. They need to try and understand the brand's philosophy, which considers that freedom from all restrictions is the main thing for a person in society. All the collections of a niche brand that distinguishes a creative person from the general mass are saturated with just such an idea.