/ / Dress "Mermaid" - refinement in every detail

Dress "Mermaid" - refinement in every detail

To date, the choice of wedding and eveningdresses are simply huge. Brides can give preference to a variety of styles, and regardless of fashion. The main thing is that the outfit emphasizes all the merits of the figure and hides all the shortcomings.

mermaid dress

The dress "Mermaid" looks very feminine,The bride, choosing such a wedding outfit, will look elegant and elegant. This style emphasizes the slenderness of the figure, draws attention to the lush breasts, and to the thin waist, besides, it slim hips. The dress "Mermaid" will suit a girl of any height, the most important condition is a flat stomach and a slender figure. Another nice advantage of this wedding or evening gown is that you can choose accessories absolutely any, and they all fit perfectly: whether it's a diadem, a hat with a veil or just a veil. Condition one - a combination of decor accessories with the decor of the dress itself. It is especially good if the accessory elements repeat the color of the fabric or contrast with it.

Mermaid Style Dresses

Today, dresses in the style of "Mermaid" enjoyquite a lot of popularity. The second name is Gode. The image becomes extremely feminine and sexy due to a tight silhouette and a knee-length skirt. Because of diagonal seams and darts, the entire upper part up to the knees is very tightly fitting the body. The skirt can expand downwards at the expense of wedges, inserts, assemblies, and the expansion itself can be different - uniform throughout the skirt or from the back of the outfit.

The skirt can be decorated with ruffles, laces,flounces. If you provide the dress in the style of "Mermaid" with additional laces and clasps, then it can be easily adjusted to the figure, because this model requires an accurate fit.

Any form of sleeves and décolleté fits wellwith a wedding dress in the style of "Mermaid", but the best option would be the presence of long gloves, especially if the upper part is strapless.

Расширение у юбки может быть разное - от начала knees, in the middle or below, depending on preferences and tastes. As the material for the dress can be used completely different fabrics, but it is better to prefer more dense and rigid. If you choose satin or silk, the outlines of underwear can appear, besides the model from such a fabric will not fit well around the figure. The dress "Mermaid" should sit perfectly and look. Also do not forget about the fact that it should be comfortable and convenient.

dress silhouette of a mermaid

It is best to buy an evening orWedding Dress. Silhouette "Mermaid" should sit just perfectly, so if necessary, you need to adjust the outfit for the figure. Some brides, buying an outfit such a cut, want to make their own additions or change something in the style of the dress. Experts strongly do not recommend this.

Why not change the fabric in the wedding dress "Mermaid":

- The appearance of the dress can change dramatically: interesting and important details will disappear, for example, waves, folds, lines, draperies, etc .;

- If you change the tulle to organza, the product will become heavy, thus losing the zest of the model, the original beauty will disappear.