The raccoon is familiar to RussiansThe collars and hoods on the men's and women's down jackets. The fur coat from the raccoon has become popular relatively recently. A mottled gray-red fur with a long coarse hair with dark tips can not be classed as noble, but it can be considered ideal for making warm and wearing winter clothes for every day. As a rule, when sewing fur coats, sheepskin coats and jackets, fur is toned.

Advantages of a fur coat from a raccoon
Any fur has merits, so alwayswill find his fans and even fans. A fur coat from a raccoon can hardly be called chic, but it differs in practicality: warm, light, durable. Such clothes will be an excellent option for everyday wear.
The product of raccoon fur, especially unpainted,will serve the owner not one winter. Thanks to the long voluminous fur and dense mezdra, the raccoon coat keeps the heat well and warms it in severe frosts. As for the appearance, the modest natural coloring of manufacturers is successfully changed with the help of new dyes and modern methods of toning, so as a result to get stylish fashionable things.

How to choose a fur coat from a raccoon
There is an opinion that choosing a fur coat is not an easy task.This is due to the large number of low-quality products in the domestic market and the inability of most buyers to distinguish good dressing of skins from bad.
Coat of a raccoon - a thing not cheap, so you need to evaluate not only the style and fit on the figure, but also the quality of fur and tailoring.
First of all, you need to see the fur.The undercoat should be rather thick and fluffy, and the awn is long, even and darker. It is not allowed dull pile - fur with dressing and painting of good quality differs natural shine and saturated color.
To determine the quality of fur, a fur coat is neededcertainly touch. The coat is fairly coarse, but it does not have to be tough and brittle. With a good dressing, the fur coat from the raccoon will be smooth and silky to the touch, and if you hold your hand against the wool, you can feel how it springs. But the crunch of fur speaks of the low quality of furrier work.

Going for a fur coat, it's important not to make a mistake withseller. Experienced people advise choosing a fur coat in a specialized store with a good reputation. In this case, the probability of buying a fake, for example a fur coat from a raccoon dog, is very small.
Before buying it is not superfluous to find out how much a fur coat from a raccoon costs, at least approximately, and compare prices in different outlets. So you can save a little.