/ Fur coat of marmot. Features. The choice.

Fur coat of marmot. Features. The choice.

Assortment of fur coats in the modern market from year to yearthe year only expands. This and the elite fur coats of valuable types of fur, and affordable products of the economy class. Representatives of the fair half of humanity are constantly faced with the choice of what kind of fur coat to buy.

Far from everyone can see a fur coat of marten orsable, and look like a beautiful and elegant winter in every woman. One of the available, but quite attractive options is a fur coat from a marmot fur. Immediately it is necessary to say that the fur coat is needed not only in severe frosts, but also in warmer winter weather. For such cases it is required to choose a product from a lighter fur, in which it will be comfortable even in thaw. The fur coat from marmot will be an excellent choice of clothes for warm winters and off-season.

Groundhog fur has long been in demand in Russia. At first it was used as a finishing for good clothes, and then they began to sew fur coats and various accessories.

The marmot fur coat attracts customers also because it looks like a mink one, but at the same time it is much cheaper.

The marmot is common in regions with a warm climate,so his fur is not as warm as the mink. The marmot fur, indeed, poorly retains heat. Wear this coat is best at a temperature above -10C. In this weather, it will give comfort and warmth.

The marmot coat is perfect for autumn and spring.It will not be hot, and the special structure and arrangement of the villi makes the product light and comfortable. It is known that marmot fur is one of the easiest, which is very valuable for outerwear.

A fur coat from a marmot, reviews about which, basically,positive, will serve 3-4 seasons. Many women of fashion are accustomed to keep up with new trends, but not everyone can afford to change expensive mink coats. Relatively inexpensive clothing will often update the winter wardrobe and keep up with fashion.

The fur of the marmot is similar to the fur of a mink, which sometimes plays onhand to unscrupulous sellers. In order not to get into a mess, you need to learn to distinguish these furs. It is not so difficult to do this. Groundhog fur has a variety of villi, which changes the texture, making it unique. And the mink fur is even, because the hair has the same length.

Any fur coat should be chosen correctly, so as not to run into a low-grade product. Choosing a product from marmots, you need to use simple tips, and then the purchase will not disappoint.

When purchasing fur coats, you should pay attention to such qualities of fur as density, softness, elasticity, gloss, tensile strength, the number of small natural skins defects.

First you need to hold your hand over the fur.If you feel elasticity and elasticity, then it is good. If you stroke him, he must immediately return to its original state. Fur of good quality should be soft and pleasant to the touch.

It is necessary to check the color quality if the fur is dyed. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a white damp cloth over it. There should be no traces left on the rag.

At a low quality of fur from a fur coat can get outbeads. With poor dressing, the hair will easily come out even with slight twitching. Also, you can carry a fur coat with a woolen cloth. If it is of poor quality, the villi will remain on the rag.

To determine what the quality of a fur coat from a marmot,it needs to be shaken. If it rustles softly then the product meets the quality standards, and if the sound is loud, then it is worth to abandon the purchase, since the fur in this case is damp.

In addition, the fur coat from the marmot should not have too many stitches, which make it less durable. Any good quality product is provided with a tag on which you can read the tips for caring for the product.

You should know that on high quality fur coatsthe lining is not sewn to the fur on the bottom of the product. This is done so that the buyer can evaluate the wrong side, namely, the quality and number of stitches.