/ / Shopping in Tbilisi: which places are worth visiting?

Shopping in Tbilisi: what places are worth visiting?

Tbilisi is a bright city with a lot ofattractions. Both children and adults can have a great time here. Is it possible to come from a trip and not bring gifts to relatives and friends? Shopping in Tbilisi can be really exciting. Local shops can also be classified as attractions.

Shopping center "Tbilisi"

The complex of the same name is beautifulshopping area. Those who are going to Georgia should definitely visit the “Tbilisi Mall”. The mall is open daily from 10:00 to 22:00 without days off. A huge assortment of clothes is presented - from expensive brands to simple networks. Seasonal sales are regularly arranged. It is important to get to the right place at the right time. Reviews show that “Tbilisi Mall” is the largest shopping center of the capital.

shopping in tbilisi
In the shopping center you can buy absolutely everything - fromproducts up jewelry. There are also entertainment venues, including a cinema. Here you can spend time after tiring shopping. Those who come on holiday with children should visit the toy store. Such a mall is also available. However, you need to be ready to lay out a considerable amount. Toys here are quite expensive, while they are of high quality.


What to bring from Tbilisi? Well, of course, souvenirs.Not one trip is complete without them. Quality products at an affordable price can be purchased at BADAGI. Those planning to visit Georgia cannot leave the country without a churchkhela. If you believe the reviews, in this store will be able to purchase the most delicious Georgian delicacy.

what to bring from tbilisi
The classic churchkhela (badagi) here will succeedfound in many different variations - long, short, sweet and not very. A delicacy is also offered in various colors. The manufacturer claims that the manufacture does not use food dyes, only natural grape juice.

Badagi is definitely worth bringing from Georgia. And to buy a quality product is best in the store with the same name BADAGI.

Deserter's Market

Shopping in Tbilisi can be a real game forone who wants to save. It will be possible to buy really high-quality products at a reasonable price in the Deserter Market, located on Tsinamgrishvili Street. He works daily from 7:00 to 17:00 without days off. You can get here simply enough. The market is located in close proximity to the railway station. Landmark can also serve as a stadium "Dynamo".

Deserter market is considered grocery.In fact, here you can buy absolutely everything - from wardrobe items to antique jewelery. And those who do not know what to bring from Tbilisi, you can again pay attention to the national delicacy - churchkhela.

Tbilisi Mall
In 2007, the market was modernized.The building, which was built in the Soviet years, was demolished. In 2012, a new beautiful structure appeared. Now the market is practically no different from modern shopping centers, although prices here have remained quite low.

Locals say that the only wordwhich can be characterized Deserter market - "chaos". People here are enough at any time of the day. Those who are going to go shopping in Tbilisi with a child should be especially vigilant.

Market at Dry Bridge

People who visited Georgia more than onceThey say that Tbilisi and Dry Bridge are inseparable concepts. This place is definitely worth a visit. Moreover, the market, which operates here, will be able to get excellent souvenirs. Shops in Tbilisi are more suitable for classic shopping. But in this case, the walk will be devoid of romance. Those who really want to plunge into the flavor of Georgia, just need to visit the flea market on the Dry Bridge.

shops in tbilisi
What tourist can buy?Here are the old books, bright decorations of the USSR, original dishes, souvenirs and paintings. Here also exhibit handmade products by talented craftsmen. There are also artists who offer to draw a portrait on the spot.

Shop "House of Wine"

Шоппинг в Тбилиси не может обойтись без purchase high-quality vintage wines. Most of the shops that operate in this direction are concentrated along Leselidze Street. The most popular shop is the House of Wine. Here you can purchase a product created on the basis of wine materials from the best vineyards. Wine is offered from the manufacturer, so the price is quite low.

В «Доме Вина» можно приобрести не только вкусные drinks from white and red grapes, but also vodka or the famous chacha. If desired, the selected bottle can be decorated in a gift box. Qualitatively Georgian wine is a great souvenir.


This mall is visited by everyone whocomes to the capital of Georgia, even passing through. The fact is that it is located directly at the railway station. Here you can perfectly pass the time before boarding the train, as well as buy something that could not be purchased during the holidays. What to get while shopping in Tbilisi? Clothes, souvenirs, jewelry, stationery, newspapers and magazines - all this can be found in the shopping center at the railway station. It should be noted that the prices here will be much higher. An identical product across the road from the station can be bought almost two times cheaper.

shopping in tbilisi
Shopping in the capital of Georgia is an exciting activity. And in order for it to pass with benefit, it is worth examining the reviews of tourists about the most popular outlets and markets before the trip.