/ / Dress-suit: review of the best models (photo)

Dress-suit: review of the best models (photo)

The wardrobe of a woman is a whole kingdom!Here you can find a variety of things for all occasions. One of the gorgeous elements of the wardrobe is a dress-suit. What does it represent? Let's consider in detail.

A bit of history

Let's start with the definition.A dress-suit is a model consisting of two parts (a jacket and a skirt), or a combination of a sarafan and a jacket. This element of the wardrobe combines clothes, selected strictly in shape, style and length. The main difference from his usual costume is the lack of lining.

Used for sewing such dresses, according toclassical canons, materials of pastel tones. Ideally look, for example, pearl gray, greenish, beige, light pink in color. However, gradually the color palette is noticeably expanding.

dress suit

There was a dress-suit even during the Firstworld war. The material situation of people at this time was not the best. However, women, of course, still wanted to look good. It was necessary to change a little style of clothes - it is appreciable to shorten dresses and to deprive them former pretentiousness. Women experimented. In the end, and was created dress-suit - an expanded skirt and a three-dimensional jacket with patch pockets and a turn-down collar.

Models of models

So, this element of the wardrobe is one of the maintypes of women's clothing now. He can consist of a blouse or jacket and skirt. Women's costumes differ from each other in a variety of styles. The jacket can be attached to the waist or loose, with cut, pierced or patch pockets, with different collars or completely without a collar, with long or short sleeves, with a shifted or central buckle on buttons, hinges or zippers. Skirts also differ in their variety. They can be straight or with folds, several wedges, etc. Silhouettes are straight, semi-adjacent, with an underlined waistline and a narrow or wide skirt, etc.

dresses for women

Attire that does not require additions

As for the ornaments - they are not dress-suitsare needed. Women do not clash with such outfits very often, but there are many advantages to this clothing. From time to time dresses-suits from the field of view of women of fashion disappear. Nevertheless, after a short period of time they "return to themselves the laurels of the winner." This happens, as a rule, after the familiar skirt and trouser suits to the fair sex "get bored".

evening dresses and costumes

For all occasions

Dresses-suits depending on their modelsare used under different circumstances. For example, elegant and refined jackets in combination with feminine skirts will look very good at ceremonial ceremonies. These models can perfectly replace the standard evening dresses and costumes.

Of course, the exception is not businessstyle. Skirts to the knees (or slightly shorter, depending on the features of the woman's figure and her height) and stylish jackets (shortened bolero or cardigans covering the hem) look strictly and at the same time very beautiful. There is only one main condition in the business style. The skirt must be straight, and the jacket - tight.

There are also modern summer fashionlight dresses-suits. They are more flying than their business counterparts, since in this case we are not talking about a specific dress code. There can be such models in the floor, and can be very short. And this is important for slender young women who are trying to demonstrate a beautiful figure, in particular, legs. In turn, summer dresses-costumes are divided into everyday, evening or intended for romantic dates. They are made of flowing lightweight fabrics such as chiffon or silk.

dresses for girls


The most diverse styles are thisclothes. Suit-dresses depending on the style (business, romantic, etc.) require and various combinations with basic accessories. Consider, for example, shoes. With a business dress will look good shoes, boats or closed sandals (in the warm season). To light romantic models open shoes, emphasizing the beauty of your outfit, are suitable. By the way, summer dress-suits are an exception to the rules. They can be supplemented with thin belts that emphasize the waistline. Women with lush forms are not recommended for accessories. Shoes in this case should not rush. Stop standing in a straight style.

Modern fashion trends

What are the most popular elements?Today? What do modern women of fashion pay attention to? The most common models among the huge variety are shortened fitted jackets and slightly narrowed skirts. Looks like these kits are very feminine.

dress suit dresses

No less fashionable model is a straight jacket withA-line dress. Particularly helps trapezoidal cut ladies with the type of figure "apple" - those who have excess weight accumulates on the abdomen and upper body. Looks at the great women of fashion is also a tight-fitting skirt and an extended jacket.

Все современные модные комплекты отличаются harmony. Things "overlap" with each other. That is, either they are made of the same material, fully matching each other in terms of decor, or they use a certain so-called "key". This can be a similar edging, the same insert, and so on.

Very original look models in which the bodicesundress is made of the same material as the jacket, and the skirt is equipped with a vertical ornament. Today, a triangular cutout has entered into fashion. More and more popular are expanding down the sleeves and the collar-stand.

By the way, the jacket is very carefullypick up the top. It can be an elegant blouse, top or shirt in a man's style. In any case, this kit is perfect for shoes on heels. The image perfectly complements the handkerchief in the breast pocket and a small handbag.

So, these wardrobes are suitable for womenof any age and complexion. There are even costumes for girls on sale. These are chic models that easily become the basis for creating different images. Do not be afraid to experiment - and you will be satisfied!