/ / Integrated marketing communications

Integrated marketing communications

Integrated marketing communicationsrepresent the concept of planning marketing communications, which is based on the need to evaluate the role of individual directions in the overall strategy (advertising, PIAR, promotion, etc.), as well as the search for the best combination that can ensure the clarity, consistency and effectiveness of the communication programs help in the consistent unification of individual appeals.

Integrated marketing communications involve solving the following interrelated problems:

1.Creation of a unified system of messages using a variety of means of marketing communications that do not contradict each other and are coordinated among themselves, establishing a single optimal image of the communicator.

2.Integrated marketing communications are subject to a single goal - maximizing the effectiveness of marketing communications by searching for the most successful combinations of synthetic and basic means of marketing communications, as well as individual tools and techniques of a particular tool.

Integrated marketing communications in the system are a complex of promotion. This complex contains the following forms of marketing communications:

1. Advertising, which is a paid form of dissemination of information from the customer, directed at the consumer;

2. Propaganda, which is an increase in demand due to the dissemination by third parties of important commercial information in print media, on television or radio;

3. Stimulation of sales, in the form of short-term incentive measures that encourage the sale or purchase of services, goods;

4. Personal sale, expressed in the oral presentation of goods, services to an eventual buyer for sale.

All forms of marketing communications haveown specific communication techniques, for example, expositions, trade presentations, advertising on souvenirs, specialized fairs, exhibitions, competitions, catalogs, leaflets, posters, prizes, etc.

The main objectives of marketing communicationsare committed to promoting sales and sellers, fully informing consumers, providing arguments that reveal the benefits of buying, in supporting promotions from the manufacturer itself, introducing new products, reminding consumers of previous advertising purchases and promotions.

Methods of marketing communications includeexternal means by means of which stimulation is made to visit. These include signs, shop windows, ayistoppers, lights, barkers, etc.

Internal means are also methodsmarketing communications. They encourage acquisition, attract through the interior, thanks to the creation of psychological excitement of a potential consumer, bringing it to readiness for purchase. This can include design, music, color palette, flavors, the manner of communication of staff, equipment and equipment, for example, presentation, various hanging, floor structures, displays, internal exhibitions and showcases, running lines and odor generators.

To the basic communication characteristicsintegrated marketing communications include: high efficiency, the need to combine two communicators, the use of all means and techniques of marketing communications, the communication effect on the buyer and the back reaction almost coinciding in time.

Thus, IMC is a practice of unificationall kinds of marketing communications tools, from packaging to advertising. It is organized in such a way that persuasive informative news is directed precisely to the target audience, which can contribute to the realization of the goals and tasks facing the company.