/ / Balance sheet profit as the end result of the activity

Balance sheet profit as the final result of the activity

Balance sheet profit as the end resultactivity is an important issue in marketing. The result or result of each enterprise is profit. The entire economic system is based on efficiency and profitability. Profit is an incentive for the subsequent development of the enterprise. The efficiency of production proves its ability to self-repayment and the availability of funds for self-financing. One of the most important indicators of profitability and financial solvency of the enterprise is the balance profit.

The book profit is determined by addingall kinds of profit for a certain period. More precisely, the structure of the balance sheet profit consists of several indicators. This is the amount of profit generated from the sale of products, the final result from transactions not related to sales, and profits from the sale of other goods and services. The total amount of balance profit and shows the efficiency of the enterprise.

This indicator is calculated on the basis ofaccounting. Its components are calculated as follows. Profit from sales is the total amount of income received from sales, net of costs for its production, VAT and excises. The final result from non-sales operations includes income from securities transactions and from the leasing of property, as well as the payment of penalties and penalties. The profit from the sale of other goods and services is the income received from auxiliary production.
From the received profit depends the further developmententerprise. In addition, due to profit, you can replenish working capital. It also forms the backbone of funds for various purposes. Balance sheet profit is the main indicator in credit transactions. It is for this factor that banks and credit institutions determine the financial viability of the enterprise.

The resulting profit,allows you to improve production, purchase new equipment and apply the latest technology. All these investments are necessary in the modern economy. Constant development is a guarantee of economic stability and prosperity. Therefore, in order to monitor the financial situation and get the final result of the work of the enterprise, economic indicators are calculated. Based on these data, the activity is analyzed and conclusions are drawn.

Naturally, the optimal outcome of the work will bepositive balance sheet profit. But to get it you need to make its components profitable. The profit from sales depends mainly on the cost of production. Its decline is the main factor that affects profit. The cost price includes all costs of production. They can be reduced through more rational consumption of materials and effective use of labor. Therefore, the correct investment of funds in production through a certain period begins to bring profit.

If the enterprise is unprofitable,analyze the current situation and economic indicators and find out the cause of the negative result. It is necessary to take all measures to increase the profitability of production. The book profit should be stable. This can be achieved only with well-coordinated work of all departments of the enterprise.

In today's world, the economy is based onstable profit. Only then can we be sure of the prosperity of the enterprise and its long-term existence. High profitability indicators are the possibility of partnership and trust of credit institutions. The pursuit of profit should not be based on crime and excessive overpricing.