Marketing research is multi-stepprocess. First of all, the problem and the main goal of the research are determined. The second is developing a clear plan for collecting information using secondary and primary data. In the third place, information is collected using laboratory and extra-room studies. In the fourth step, all the data obtained is analyzed in order to derive some average index and to identify certain relationships. And finally, at the last step, the final result is displayed, thanks to which specialists will be able to make decisions based on real research indicators, which will entail a greater percentage of correct decisions.
Market research is conducted usingvarious research tools, such as a survey, observations, questionnaires and experiment. Also involved are ways to connect with people, by type of mail, telephone or personal conversation.
Primary marketing information is obtained fromusing "field" actions, like surveys, various observations and experimental studies. The data obtained in the end have a number of positive points: they are very reliable, competitors do not find out about them, they are monitored and have a clear idea of how they are collected. However, there is also a negative side to this issue: its collection is too long, the company cannot always fully find it in its own way, and in the end it is an obvious high cost.
Secondary marketing information is obtaineddifferent “desk” studies that were collected much earlier for other purposes than the company currently has. This includes various reports, accounts, budgets, stocks, and more. For small and even medium-sized companies, these are the most pragmatic methods of collecting marketing information. Most often, it is the collection of secondary marketing information that comes first, rather than the primary one. First of all, this information comes in a cheaper way than the primary one. In addition, again, comparing with the primary, the timing of obtaining secondary information is always ahead of the primary. But negative phenomena secondary marketing information carries in itself: the whole study may suffer from its certain incompleteness. In addition, such information can not be confirmed in any way, what is another one of its minus. At times, the method by which it is necessary to build methods for collecting marketing information is completely unknown.
Primary data is already for more serious work: familiarization with the situation in the industry, with the trend of variability in the volume of profits and sales, with the latest achievements of technology and science.
It is very important to compile the correct collection information. Otherwise, all collected information may become either partially or completely unnecessary. It is necessary to know that for many life studies it is important to collect primary information. For this, the best option to continue is a good clear work plan for the future. It also determines which tools will be used later. Methods of collecting marketing information related to the primary, have four main options: observation, imitation, experiment and survey.
Маркетинговые исследования совсем не в A must have to be expensive and incredibly complex. Quietly you can achieve the planned goal, thanks to the analysis of their own data, various surveys of buyers and experts.
The cost of marketing research directly depends on the information you need to find, the amount of new data, the degree of formalization of research and the complexity of the analysis.