/ / "Nano-Botox": real testimonials of buyers and doctors

"Nano-Botox": real testimonials of buyers and doctors

Botox, requiring invasive intervention andacting as an injectable muscle stunner, is gradually becoming obsolete as a cosmetic procedure. Techniques are being replaced, including the reserve capabilities of the epidermis itself, by local provocation to the area of ​​exposure. Such a modern invention has become a non-traumatic and inexpensive "Nano-Botox", the real feedback about which we collected in order to make our own independent conclusion.

nano botox reviews real

What is the essence of nano-botox?

Of course, waiting for miracles, that is instantaneoussmoothing of heavy nasolabial folds or established mimic wrinkles from a non-invasive device is not possible, but this does not mean that you need to immediately go under the injections. By injecting, a woman wins a very limited time in visual youth, while the epidermis experiences constant stress from being unable to return to normal, which only leads to an aggravation of the existing problem.

Unlike classic botox, nano-botoxforces the body to fight wrinkles on its own, activating the synthesis of botulinum peptides. These peptides are active elements produced on the basis of residual fragments of aminokilot. In nano-cosmetology, two types of peptides are used: oligopeptides and polypeptides.

One of the main properties of peptides is their ability to stimulate the formation in the epidermis of their own hyaluronic acid and collagen, which affect the skin from the inside:

  • a shallow mesh of wrinkles becomes invisible after several uses of the serum or cream substance "Nano-Botox";
  • after the first application, signs of fatigue "wear off" from the face, skin color is normalized;
  • After 1-2 weeks of application, you can notice an explicit alignment of the relief, a decrease in acne formation (due to the regulation of the sebaceous glands);
  • the use of the serum "Nano-Botox" for more than two weeks visibly tightens the contour of the face, removes the flabbiness of the lower eyelids, makes "goose paws" almost invisible over the outer corners of the eyes.

To achieve all these results, onlyremove wrinkles by mechanical alignment is not enough - you need to lay the mechanism of constant renewal in the skin itself, make it in time to get rid of waste substances that quickly turn into a state of toxins. Therefore, the manufacturers of "Nano-Botox" declared an emulsion (serum) as a multifunctional drug, one of the abilities of which is getting rid of wrinkles. In fact, the expulsion of age folds is, as it were, a natural extension of the general rejuvenating effect.

It is noteworthy that relatively recently, insale appeared cream Nano-Botox. Real feedback about it is less common than on concentrate in the form of whey, because, due to lack of direct advertising, the popularity of the funds is still insignificant. However, the manufacturer assures that the effectiveness of the regenerating cream does not lag behind the effectiveness of the microemulsion and leads impressive statistics among the apropos - 85% of the women satisfied with the result.

nano botox

Pros of using nano-botox

Before listing the advantages indicated inofficial annotation, I would like to bring an extraction from the real reviews of "Nano-Botox" for the face. Thus, more than half of the respondents admitted that there is no longer a choice between traditional invasive botox and nano-smoothing, since painful injections, for all their effectiveness, do not give the effect of visual naturalness that corresponds to the parameters of youthful skin. Other women interviewed are not ready to return to injecting procedures for another reason - the microemulsion "Nano-Botox", in contrast to injections that affect only wrinkles, gives the skin a feeling of inner freshness, makes it soft and even eliminates such cosmetic defects as post-acne.

Now about those characteristic features that distinguish nano-botox from the mass of analog techniques that are provided to the buyer by the creators of the serum:

  • the affordable cost of the procedure is several times less than that which would have to be spent on injections;
  • absence of danger of penetration into the epidermis of infection, which happens occasionally when piercing the skin - this point is especially emphasized by doctors, when they recommend to give up injections;
  • the possibility of using funds without special skills or resorting to the help of third parties;
  • preservation of natural facial expressions after procedures, absence of puffiness, unpleasant sensation of "tightening", "raspiraniya" of the skin, arising after injections;
  • one serum is suitable for all skin types;
  • means is not addictive - rejection ofthe use of serum after prolonged use will not lead to deterioration of the skin, and if desired, repeat the course periodically, do not need to fear that the effectiveness of the drug will be reduced;
  • additional nutrition and hydration of deep layers of the epidermis.

Injection of Botox imposes many restrictions onhabitual way of life, striking out for at least 4-7 days a pleasure from active sports, going to the bath, sun deck procedures or just visiting the beach. Using the nano-botox for a person, you can forget about the so-called "silence period" and calmly do your favorite things.

reviews about nano botox real cream

Effect of the drug

To relate to the microemulsion "Nano-Botox" fromwrinkles as a simple caring cream for daily application will not work, as it is, after all, a curative course aimed at restoring the functions of the skin, rather than supporting a short-term action. One restorative course is designed for a month of using the cream, and there are approbation statistics given by the manufacturers:

  • after the 3rd day of the use of serum, an obvious decrease in the number and depth of wrinkles in 82% of the women tested;
  • In 14 days from the beginning of the course, 95% of the respondents noticed a reduction of deep wrinkles and smoothing of small ones.

At the end of the 30-day course, 85% of women sharedpositive feelings about changes in skin condition - they said that the skin of the face became more elastic, the problem of dilated pores, unhealthy "gray" color, the appearance of new acne is practically not noticed.


Available data on the strength and speed of exposuredrug, as well as confirmed by the results of real reviews of "Nano-Botox" for the face allowed to conclude about the expected effect of the action of serum. So, here's what happens to the skin after applying the microemulsion with a step-by-step tracking effect:

  • The first three applications - from the first minutes of hittingon the surface of the epidermis, the active substances of the composition penetrate into the deep layers and, using capillary ducts, drop to the muscles of the face. Already at this primary stage, there is a noticeable result that can be compared with the achievement of an expensive modern cream after a month of use - the skin softens and acquires a small but noticeable tone.
  • On the 7th-9th day of application it is already possible to talk aboutobtaining stable results, talking about neglected processes of accelerated regeneration - due to increased blood microcirculation, the face becomes noticeably fresher, pigmentation, if it was, disappears completely, signs of inflammation, acne disappears. If new pimples appear, it happens less and less, and the inflammation lasts no more than a day. The network of wrinkles, covering the surface layer of the epidermis, is completely smoothed out.
  • 14-16 day of use is already obviousimprovements, visible to others. Enhanced metabolism, which does not stop the process of renewing cells for a minute, completely eliminates such moments as flabbiness, friability of the skin. Due to the work of the collagen that is being developed, the face oval becomes clearer, the facial muscles relax.
  • On the 20th-23rd day, deepmimic and physiological wrinkles. Owners of oily skin notice the complete disappearance of comedones and traces from them. Problematic, sebaceous skin is approaching normal by external characteristics;
  • The final, 30th application allows you to evaluateresult: smoothing of fine wrinkles - 100%, deep mimic, or physiological conditioned persons - 65-75%. The texture of the skin to the touch is velvety, without relief pathological formations, the complexion is even, shining.

All test women without exception aftermonth approbation of the serum found themselves rejuvenated for at least 5 years and assuring the left feedback that "Nano-Botox" from wrinkles is the only remedy they will resort to if necessary to restore the skin to a healthy state.

Nano Botox for Hair

Composition of the emulsion

The formula of "Nano-Botox" at the moment is consideredunique and unparalleled. As already mentioned, the leading active elements of the microemulsion are peptide protein compounds, represented as two chemical compounds: nanobotulin and octamyloxy. These are not injectable substitutes for botulinum toxin, used in beauty salons around the world.

Other active and auxiliary elements of the serum are:

  • Silver is the leading anti-inflammatoryelement with a pronounced antibacterial effect, which forms in the skin a protective barrier against the action of free radicals. In addition to performing its own functions, silver enhances the effect of some other elements of the composition.
  • Extract of chicory root - contains antioxidants,struggling with aging at the cellular level, accelerates the transport of nutrients through intercellular connections. Chicory contains vitamins, which makes it an indispensable nutritional component of the composition.
  • Hydrolyzed wheat proteins arenatural plant analogue of the human epidermis, therefore they act as a building cell protein replenishing the natural age-related losses of the "native" microelements of the skin. Since the epidermis perceives hydrolyzate, as related elements of the skin, aggressive perception by its nerve endings is excluded.

Carefully refer to the composition of the drug,before you order and test the serum on yourself - most of the real feedback about "Nano-Botox" written in a negative manner, refers to the allergic reaction of the organism to some components of the finished substance.

microemulsion nano botox from wrinkles

Amino acids in the preparation

All amino acids included in the component setserums, belong to the group of irreplaceable, that is, not synthesized by the human body. Over time, the spent amino acids are removed from the body, so you need to regularly replenish the reserve funds. Manufacturers of "Nano-Botox" included in the preparation seven essential amino acids for skin health:

  • proline - responsible for cellular metabolism, timely removal of waste materials and replacing them with fresh material;
  • arginine - promotes the synthesis of collagen, it has wound-healing properties, increases the stress-resistance of the skin;
  • Methionine - promotes the removal of oxides;
  • taurine - increases the immune defense of the skin, does not allow dehydration of the epidermis;
  • phenylalanine - increases microcirculation and normalizes the production of melanin, the lack of which leads to the appearance of white spots on the face;
  • threonine - a leading component of the amino acid group, which provokes increased synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • isoleucine - responsible for regeneration processes.

The importance of periodic receipt of irreplaceableamino acids is difficult to overestimate, because the amount that regularly comes to a person with food or vitamin supplements is barely enough to maintain the current state of life of cells. With age, the body's perception of amino acids supplied with food deteriorates, due to which the aging takes place. Therefore, local application of these essential protein elements is the only way to compensate for the lack of these substances in the skin layers.

nano botox manufacturer

Instructions for use

A one-month-long serum courseis considered the only one possible to achieve the optimum effect. Women who have only initial signs of skin aging without pronounced, requiring elimination of defects (for example - increased greasiness), a 14-day course is more suitable. At this stage, the epidermis already receives all the elements necessary for recovery and can then independently manage the activated activity of the protective and regenerative processes.

At any chosen course of algorithm application tools must comply with the instructions:

  • carry out the face cleansing procedures using any habitual way;
  • squeeze a bit of the emulsion substance on the pads of fingers and put on the skin of the face point applications;
  • the distribution of the remedy takes place in two ways: by massage circular motions or by soft drive of the means through the massage lines;
  • The surplus can be removed with a paper dry cloth, by simply applying it to the face.

Serum should be used twice a day, keeping a time distance of 12 hours.


The only contraindication, judging by the realreviews about "Nano-Botox", is the individual intolerance of the constituent substances. The rejection of hormone constituent organisms is not considered a contraindication, since in the serum any hormones, like their derivatives, are absent.

Do not allow the substance to enter the mucous eyes, the oral cavity, into the ears.

Before the first use of the drug, the test forthe sensitivity of the skin, by applying a small amount of emulsion on the wrist, is mandatory! Evaluation of the result on the skin reaction is estimated after 30 minutes.

Nano-Botox for Hair

The drug has passed several stages of recognition,before reaching the current level of curative hair shaft restoration - a procedure that already rivals traditional keratation. The only drawback, compared with hair coating with keratin, is a shorter shelf life - after about 4-5 head wash, the hair needs a repeat procedure.

The procedure for hair using "Nano-Botox"there is another name - nanoplastics. And this is not accidental, since the seemingly temporary cosmetic effect achieved by the periodic application of the remedy is in fact related to the plastic procedure of restoring the structure of the hair. This is a significant advantage of the technique before kerating, as is known, not working for the prospect of recovery.

nano botox from wrinkles


Externally, the effect of "Nano-Botox" for hair (according to real women's reviews) is manifested in the following:

  • hair is not confused, does not require the use of a special spray for combing;
  • even with the occasional trimming of the tips, the hair does not split;
  • completely eliminates the need to use "ironing" for straightening;
  • no evidence of dehydration of the hair even after complex dying or discoloration.

Particularly recommended procedure "Nano-Botox"women who can not boast of magnificent hair. In the first days after coating, the root volume, as in keratizing, decreases, but afterwards the locks again rise at the roots without loss of gloss and smoothness.