/ / Tinted balsam "Tonic": reviews, palette, application, price

Tinted balms "Tonic": reviews, palette, application, price

If you believe statistics, the world80% of women prefer hair toning. Why is this procedure so popular? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Why is the toning balm "Tonic", reviews about which you can read in this article, are the most effective? And what other means are available today in cosmetic shops?

Tinted balm tonic reviews

Tonic: what is it and what can it be used for?

Tonic or shade balm is a specialA cosmetic that will help a little change your image and appearance thanks to the coloring of your hair. However, their color changes only a few shades. It has several similar properties to ordinary paint, but unlike it, it is washed off faster, and also can not penetrate deeply into the structure of the hair. That is why it is possible to assert with confidence that the tonics do not change the pigmentation of the hairs and sparingly affect them. Another interesting fact is that after the toning process, the strands look much healthier, get a shiny look and additional smoothness. Recently, among our women, "Tonic" (shade balm) is very popular. The palette, reviews and application of it will be described below.

Correct use of "Tonic"

So, if you decide to use the tonic balms "Tonic", the reviews of which indicate their effectiveness and high efficiency, then you should stock up with such tools:

  1. A rare comb.
  2. Plastic or glass container.
  3. Disposable polyethylene gloves.
  4. Your favorite shampoo.
  5. Towel and sponge.
  6. Special brush for application.
  7. Balsam "Tonic" itself.

It is very important, before starting the staining,correctly evaluate your natural color. This is necessary in order to pick up exactly that shade from the palette that suits you best. For example, if your native color is "brown-haired," it's best to take a tinted balsam "Tonic" chocolate, reviews confirm that the choice of lighter tones does not yield any results. If you are doing toning for the first time, it is better to experiment on a small strand. Did you arrange the resulting color? Then boldly continue already throughout the head.

Toned balm tonic chocolate reviews

Instructions for using "Tonic"

So, how to properly apply the tonic balms "Tonic", reviews of which are almost only positive?

  1. To protect the skin of hands from painting, put them on disposable gloves.
  2. After that, you can open the tube and tonic and pour the contents into a pre-prepared container. Stir it must be with water, the amount of which is usually indicated on the package.
  3. Hair must be moistened before application.Using a special brush, apply a small amount of balm to the hair, moving from the parting to the center. Then move gradually down. It is recommended to first apply the product to one part of the head, then the second. After the tonic was applied, comb your hair well and massage your hands lightly. Do this until the foam appears.
  4. Tonic on the hair should stay about half an hour to get the desired shade. To wash it costs a lot of ordinary water.

Tonic shade balm palette reviews

Than it is possible to wash off ottenochnyj balm?

You did not like the result?Or have you decided to change your image again? No problem. Tinted balms of "Tonic", reviews of which indicate their high quality and effectiveness, can be washed away in 99% of cases.

Flush with burdock oil. It has long been known that many oils, in particularburdock, can wash off the paint more quickly. That's why it can be used in case you want to return your native color again. Prepare a special mask of burdock oil and lemon juice. Apply to hair and wash it off after an hour. If the color after the first session is not completely gone, you can repeat the procedure in 2 days.

Will help in this case and kefir. Due to the fact that kefir helps to create an acidic environment on the strands, you will get an excellent result. Take a liter of any kefir and apply on hair. Leave for one hour, then rinse.

There are special professional tools that will help you wash tonic from your hair.

Tonic tint balm blonde reviews

Palette and assortment "Toniki"

Tint balms from the company "Tonika" can be foundin a fairly large assortment. In addition, there is a wide palette of colors that will help you get exactly the color that you dreamed of. You can find dark and light, and chocolate, and red and even blue shades. When choosing a tonic for yourself, be sure to pay attention to what is your native color. Only in this case you will be able to create a unique and delightful image. It is worth remembering that all shades can be divided into warm ("spring" and "autumn") and cold ("winter" and "summer"). If you are a spring girl, then it is best for you to choose Mocha tint tint balm, reviews of which can be read below. "Fly" is best suited any light color, most likely blond. Girls with shades of "winter" can choose a tint balsam "Tonica" black, reviews of it prove its effectiveness and the possibility of achieving fairly good results of staining. "Autumn" is better to pay attention to the burning colors. So, for example, you can choose for yourself a tint balm "Tonica" cinnamon, reviews of which prove that it is quite productive. For those who like to experiment, colors such as blue, red or pink may be appropriate.

Tint tint balm 8 10 reviews

Features and characteristics of balms "Tonika"

The main features of these tonics include the following facts:

  1. It is very easy to apply. Even if you are not a professional, it is completely easy to follow all painting instructions.
  2. It is quickly and easily washed off.
  3. Its cost is much lower than normal paint. The average price is about 120 rubles.
  4. Due to the fact that the balm for tinting does not fall deep into the hair structure, it does not spoil them.
  5. The palette is really a lot of shades.
  6. It will help refresh your native color and make it more interesting.

Tint balm tonic black reviews

What about unusual shades?

In the palette of this tool you can findreally interesting and unusual shades. For example, Tonika tint balm 8.10, reviews of which are not always distinguished by positivity. Why it happens? The fact is that most people simply do not know how to properly apply pearl, ashen or smoky-pink color on their hair. They are almost always lighter than natural strands, so the result is not visible. Before dyeing in such shades, you first need to discolor curls. They also perfectly "fall" on gray hair.

Overview tint tools from other manufacturers

Безусловно, на сегодняшний день выбор оттеночных Balsam does not stop only on "Tonic". Many manufacturers produce products that also perfectly dye hair. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Schwarzkopf tint mousse. If you have hair styled,so you can safely choose this tool. Thanks to him, you can make your cold shade more saturated and at the same time remove yellowness. Mousse is easy to use. It can be easily applied for 5 minutes and get a great result. The price is about 390 rubles.

"Irida" tonic tint. It helps not only to dye hair, but also to improve their appearance. In its composition you can find only natural ingredients. The color will wash off only after 14 washing the head. The average cost is 60 rubles.

Loreal tonic. Many customers appreciate this tool for the fact that it allows you to get a beautiful deep shade. Thanks to him, you can restore the hair structure. The price is about 160 rubles.

Tint balsam tonic cinnamon reviews

"Tonic" from "Rocolor"

Более современный оттеночный бальзам "Тоника" от "Rokolor" incorporates more natural components, in particular, white flax extract. There are also new dyes in it. Thus, if you want to get a more intense light brown color, then the updated “Tonic” is best for you. Shade balm "blond", reviews of which indicate its effectiveness and efficiency, not only tones, but also makes the hair more docile and soft. Even in the process of washing off, the shine and shine will not fade with the strands. Tint balm "Tonika" chocolate, reviews of which are also positive, despite the darker color, are applied in the same way. Remember that you do not need to put on any additional mask on the hair after dyeing this tool.

Mocha tonic balsam reviews

"Tonica" (tint balsam): palette, reviews

Why many girls and women choose notpaints, namely tint balsams? The answer is quite simple and lies in the positive feedback on the quality of the latter. The fact is that many of the fair sex do not want to drastically change the color, but only add to it a certain "zest". With the help of "Tonics", you can easily change your image, add a noble shine to your image. Hair is distinguished by shine, and their color will remain saturated for a long time. In contrast to the colors, in which there is ammonia, tint balm does not spoil the hair, because it does not penetrate deep into their structure.

Another positive tonic featureis the fact that they can, without fear of dyeing their hair at least every month, constantly experimenting with color. And this is also indicated in many reviews. If you do not want to change your appearance, but only want to add shine to the curls, then choosing a tint balm is the best option. Hair does not suffer from this, as indicated by women in many reviews. If you like to experiment with the color of your curls, change your image, then "Tonic" will help to make your hair your pride. As you can see, "Tonika" is a tint balm of the highest quality, the palette of which is notable for its diversity.