Today many people are interested in this question:"Mesotherapy of the scalp - what is it?". Side effects in this - the most important point. A lot of sites advertise the service and call for action - use it! However, before deciding if it is worth it, read this article.
Brief information
Mesotherapy of the scalp - appearedin the sixties of the last century an innovative method of treating hair diseases. The scope of application is quite extensive - from the solution of problems associated with hair loss, to the restoration of the scalp from polytiologic diseases (lichen).
Despite a fairly solid age - 55 years,on the Russian beauty market procedure came not so long ago. In this regard, the masses do not yet have a clear provision: mesotherapy of the scalp - what is it?
The main tasks of the procedure are:
1. Treatment of skin diseases.
2. Rejuvenation and nourishment of the skin.
Regardless of the purpose, the principleprocedures - subcutaneous administration of a working preparation. The targeted impact on the problem area by injection increases the effectiveness of its use by 80%. Thanks to this, mesotherapy is considered to be one of the most effective and emergency methods of hair restoration.
Indications for the procedure
Mesotherapy of scalp skinis prescribed for people suffering from alopecia. However, it should be noted that here it is a question of hair loss caused by mechanical action or imbalance of nutrients in the body. Cure pathological problems of hair loss, the cause of which are hormonal disorders, mesotherapy is not able to.
As a pleasant bonus for treatment, problems will be solved:
1. Dandruff.
2. Itchy scalp.
3. Excessive secretion of skin secretion, to normalize the glands.
3. Loss of hair shine, their dryness.
4. Thinning hair, etc.
It is recommended to conduct sessions with lesions of the skin with ringworm: the components of the composition will help the cells to recover, and hair follicles - to begin an active work that promotes hair growth.
As prevention it is recommended to applyto a specialist for the procedure in early autumn (early September) and early spring (April). It is in these months that there is an increased alopecia due to beriberi and excessive influence of harmful factors - the sun in summer and frost in winter.
Contraindications to the sessions of mesotherapy
Many sources "authoritatively declare" thatthere are no contraindications to the procedure, and meso-therapy of the scalp can be used to treat all patients, including pregnant women and children. It is difficult to completely agree with this statement, as it is impossible to forget about potential problems that individual intolerance of the drug may cause.
Consultation with a doctor is the first and mandatory step for those who decide to conduct a mesotherapy session.
The procedure is not recommended for the following diseases:
1. Gallstone disease.
2. Ailments associated with bleeding disorders.
3. Oncological diseases.
4. Immunodeficiency, etc.
Even if your medical record is not full of records about such ailments, a comprehensive examination of the body and a visit to the doctor before the session is absolutely necessary!
Auxiliary preparations
Preparations for mesotherapy of the scalp are called mesococci. These are specialized mixtures of cosmetic products, the action of which is aimed at treating hair:
- Feeding the roots.
- Enrichment of the scalp with vitamins.
- Skin hydration, etc.
The main active ingredients of cocktails:
- Vitamins of group B.
- Vitamin A.
- Vitamin C.
- Drugs to improve blood flow.
- Preparations for the regulation of secretion production.
Depending on the professionalism of the master canused either ready-made cocktails, or prepared by a cosmetologist. In the second case, the drug has the most effective effect, since the components of the composition are selected individually - in the number and proportions necessary to solve the particular problems of this client.
The compositions are also divided into natural andsynthetic. Most often they are used in tandem, tk. the effect of mesococtails containing only natural substances appears much more slowly. Therefore, to reduce the number of necessary procedures, the volume of drugs and accelerate the result, specialists prepare combined preparations.
Technique and procedure procedure
Technique of mesotherapy of the scalpis a subcutaneous injection of the working drug - approximately every 3-6 mm the doctor injects at a depth of 2-3 mm by injecting a solution into it. It is due to the targeted effect that mesotherapy has become a popular technique for treating skin diseases and combating its age-related changes.
Depending on the instrument used by the cosmetologist, the technique is divided into:
- Injection means the use of a syringe.
- Fractional - using a cosmetic device.
- Roller - with the help of mesorollers.
The procedure for carrying out the procedure, regardless of technique, is always the same:
- With the help of a special shampoo, the skin secret is washed off the scalp.
- The hair is dried by a blow dryer with an ionization function.
- The doctor divides his head into working areas with straight fences.
- The scalp is treated with an antiseptic.
- Mesotherapy - every 3-6 mm the specialist introduces the drug.
- Re-treatment of the scalp with an antiseptic.
Injection mesotherapy of the scalp
When using the injection technique, the main working tool of the cosmetologist is a syringe. Using a needle, the specialist delivers the mesococtail directly to the hair follicle.
Trauma of the skin from the injections is a minus andsimultaneously plus of the given method. The presence of damage on the covers is always a risk of infection, so when choosing a wizard, pay special attention to the sterility of the cabinet, as well as the process of preparing for the procedure - disinfection and use of a new disposable needle.
The plus is the fact that microtraumas stimulate the production of new cells, which is a pleasant bonus from the procedure.
Fractional mesotherapy of the scalp
This technique is not much different frominjection. With one exception, a special apparatus for mesotherapy plays the role of a syringe. Its advantages are the work of several needles. Its additional possibilities are the work of several kinds of mesococtails.
Design features of the device allowfill not one, but 2-4 flasks for the drug, which are simultaneously injected into the scalp through special needles. The device itself selects the pressure necessary for injection, which saves the solution, strength and time of the master.
Mesotherapy with rollers
This technique implies the use of a special device - mesorollera. It consists of a handle and a roller drum, sprinkled with needles at a distance of 2-3 mm from each other.
Dimensions of the drum and the length of the needles can be very diverse, it all depends on the personal preference of the master.
Unlike the syringe and mesoprodite, the roller does not have containers for storing the composition used. Therefore, the cocktail is applied directly to the needles.
What technique to choose?
Before talking about the effectiveness of each of themethods, it should be clarified that injection and fractional mesotherapy of the scalp are most often used in cosmetic rooms. Working with a roller is the lot of "home" beauty salons. However, this fact does not detract from the significance of each of them, since the principle of feeding the hair bulbs is identical. Consider the minuses and pluses of each mesotherapy technique:
1. With injection and fractional engineering, the solution is injected to a depth of 2-3 mm - not all rollers have such long needles.
2. Micro-balls from mesorollers with thin needles are instantly tightened - the composition does not have time to get into the skin.
3. Mesorollers and injections distribute the composition unevenly (25% of the composition remains on the hair).
4. Procedures with the use of injection techniques take 2 times as much time - each corner is put by a specialist separately.
Summarizing all the indicated shortcomings and advantages, the most efficient and economical is the fractional technique of the procedure.
Mesotherapy at home
Carrying out mesotherapy in the home is an apple of discord between cosmetologists and patients.
The first are against the "domestication" of the procedure, while the latter, referring to its high cost and simplicity, believe that they can perform a session at home.
It is unambiguous to say that one or the other is right,this case is impossible. Since the procedure for the procedure is really very simple, and the necessary tools and materials can be purchased at any online store - the home method wins before the costly procedure.
Many are interested:Is salon or home mesotherapy of the scalp more effective? The testimonies testify that it is painful and extremely inconvenient to conduct it at home, but no less effectively than in the salon.
We must not forget that every injection of the needle - damage to the skin. In this connection, much attention should be paid to their disinfection, as well as to the antiseptic treatment of the materials used.
The most common device forhome mesotherapy is a roller. However, do not immediately attack the model with a length of needles of 2-3 mm. It is necessary to start with thin and short, gradually increasing their size.
Reviews about the procedure
People's opinions are the best indicator of efficiency!They will help answer the main question of all those indifferent to the procedure: "Is the mesotherapy of the scalp effective?". Reviews in many ways indicate its effectiveness. In the vastness of the Internet, grateful customers exhibit photographs showing the hair follicle, which has penetrated through mesotherapy, is the best proof of the awakening of hair follicles.
An analysis of opinions showed that mesotherapy of the hairypart of the head contributes to the solution of hair loss problems caused by improper care or imbalance of nutrients in the body. When there are cases of hormonal failure or hair loss due to pathological processes in the body, the procedure proved to be impotent. People spent money and did not get the desired result.
Before you give your savings to the handscosmetician, be sure to find out the true cause of the disease of the scalp. Even though the procedure has no side effects, you can miss the precious time to save the head of hearing from a real disease.