Talk about how to braid hair inthe usual braid, probably, it is not necessary. Many girls still in childhood learn about this technique. Let's talk about more complex options, although they seem to be only at first glance, in fact, everything is much simpler.

French spit
How quickly to braid hair in a French braid? Very simple. Consider the option of weaving on the back of the head, but this method can be used from different sides of the head.

French spit on the contrary
The strand of hair is divided into three parts, the first twooverlapping are done as in the weaving of the classical braids: first, the right spins over the middle, then the left. Before we again twist the right order, free curls on the right join it. The same must be done on the left. So you need to weave to the level of the neck. How to braid hair further, the choice is for the girl. You can leave a tail or create some kind of braid.
This weave is similar to the previous one, the differenceconsists only in the fact that the strands are not overturned from above, but from below. Spit can be given additional volume, slightly stretching each weave to the sides. This is done either immediately during the creation of the hairstyle, or after.
Many girls are interested in how to braid hairin the snake. There is nothing complicated here. For example, we begin the weaving from the right temple. The strand of hair is divided, again, into three parts, the first two strands overlap in the usual way. Then, moving diagonally to the opposite part of the head (we select the angle ourselves), we add free hair to the left, after turning in the opposite direction, the addition is made already on the right side. If possible, the weave again unfolds, and again the strands on the left are captured. The hair is fastened at the end of the weaving in any accessible way.
How to braid hair in a scythe-waterfall?First it should be noted that it can be both an independent hairdo and be an addition to the image. In this case, the waterfall can be braided diagonally or horizontally, it can mean 1, 2, 3 and more involved strands. Also you can immediately catch a few waterfalls. It is enough to study this method, master it, and then the thing remains for imagination.

Scythe of harnesses
Very beautiful and original hairstyle.Suppose we braid the hair ourselves, and this braid is created for the first time, in this case it is better to pre-assemble the tail, so it will be easier. After several training sessions, you will be able to create other options.
So, the tail is divided into two parts, each ofwhich is twisted into a very tight bundle. The direction should be the same. After that, the two strands twist together, but in the opposite direction. At the end, the ends of the hair are fixed in any convenient way.
These are the main ways of weaving hair.Having mastered them, you can create a new hairstyle every day and thereby surprise others. Perhaps, the photos given in the article for an example, suggest you some ideas and help make an original and beautiful hairstyle with braids.