/ / Why do bruises appear under the eyes of women? How to remove bruises under the eyes: treatment, creams and folk remedies

Why do bruises appear under the eyes of women? How to remove bruises under the eyes: treatment, creams and folk remedies

Bruises under the eyes of women - quite oftenencountered problem This is because the skin there has a special structure and responds easily to any changes in the body. The lower eyelids consist of a thin skin fold, which is densely penetrated by capillaries. They are very sensitive, reflect and signal the violation of the body.

bruises under the eyes of women

Why do bruises appear under the eyes of women?The reasons are different, ranging from the banal lack of sleep and ending with a serious illness. Experts believe that bruises and circles under the eyes are a diagnostic criterion. If they appeared and do not pass a long time, then it is necessary to pass an examination in order to exclude a serious reason.

Anatomical features

Почему появляются синяки под глазами у женщин?Beauticians, nutritionists and medical specialists are working on this issue. The first reason lies in the anatomical features of the lower eyelid. He has vessels so thin that with any careless contact (improper washing and removal of cosmetics) they burst and bruises appear. In this case, you need to carefully care for the skin of the eyelids.

Violation of the regime

The second reason is a violation of the regime andoverwork. During hard work or excessive work on the computer, the eyes get a lot of stress and get tired, so that serious violations do not occur, blood flows to the eyelids. The eyelids swell, and in consequence there are blue circles below the bottom. The same thing happens when lack of sleep or violation of the regime.

Bad habits

Thirdly, bruises under the eyes of women constantlyappear with alcohol abuse or smoking. When drinking alcohol is a violation of blood circulation, first a spasm of blood vessels, and then a sharp expansion. Vessels do not withstand such a load and burst.

bruises under the eyes of women treated at home
When smoking, the human body, in particular the skin, suffers from a lack of oxygen (hypoxia) to compensate for this, the vessels expand. This leads to bruises under the eyes.

Age changes

Fourth, age changes after 40 yearsprovoke bruising or even puffiness under the eyes. This is due to hormonal changes in the woman's body. You can correct the situation with the help of cosmetic procedures.


Another reason why bruises occurunder the eyes of women, is the presence of pathology of a cosmetic nature (kuperoz). In this case, the dilated capillaries form a mesh, which look like bruises under the eyes.

Also, this problem can occur when the wrong drinking regime and unbalanced diet, insect bites and exacerbation of allergies.


Bruises under the eyes of women can talk aboutserious diseases of the body. With the existing pathology of the urinary system, characteristic bruises, swelling and bags under the eyes can be observed. Renal failure, pyelonephritis and other even sluggish kidney diseases cause bruises under the eyes. But their appearance has a wave-like character, then they appear, then disappear. Hormonal failure and a number of diseases of the endocrine system also provoke their appearance.

bruises under the eyes in women home treatment
Bruises under the eyes of women and constant thirst -The first symptoms of diabetes insipidus, one of the endocrine diseases. When they appear, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. In diseases of the cardiovascular system, venous congestion occurs, as a result of which bruises under the eyes appear. With rapid weight loss, the fatty layer becomes thinner and the vessels begin to show through the skin. Therefore, the girls turn blue under the eyes. With most eye diseases, there is a large influx of blood to them, the capillaries do not withstand such a large load and burst, forming bruises.

Helpful Tips

How to get rid of bruises under the eyes of women?In order to understand this issue, it is necessary to identify the causes and identify those that can be adjusted independently. That is, to begin to observe the regime of work and rest, to balance the food, try not to be nervous and apply cosmetics. It should also understand the reasons that can be removed only with the help of cosmetologists.

So all the same, how to hide bruises under the eyes ofwomen? How to remove them? Experts will help to answer this question. Often they give advice to get enough sleep, but sleep should be complete. Since sleep in the bus, taxi, etc. is not healthy and will not get rid of bruises. It is necessary to give up bad habits. These include not only alcohol consumption and smoking, but also overeating at night.

Massage and concealer

Therapeutic massage can be done independently in the morning.after washing. To do this, use your fingertips for a couple of minutes to massage around the eyes. Massage movements are carried out from the temple along the line of the lower eyelid to the nose.

how to get rid of bruises under the eyes of women
It is necessary to make regular compresses for the eyelids and alsoIt is necessary to choose high-quality cosmetics and use concealer. This is a cosmetic product that masks bruises under the eyes. It can be of different textures and tones, it must be selected individually. Choosing a shade, it is necessary to take into account the bruise color. This tool does not relieve bruises under the eyes, it only temporarily corrects the problem. It is better to use concealer with reflective particles.

As mentioned above, diseases of the body andSkin diseases are the second reason for bruising under the eyes of women. Treatment in this case is prescribed only by a doctor. In order to get rid of the problem, it is necessary to cure the disease.

Carboxytherapy and microcurrent therapy

Cosmetic procedures that are carried out inspecialized clinics and offices will help to quickly eliminate bruises under the eyes. These include: century carboxytherapy, microcurrent therapy, mesotherapy, darsonval, etc.

Century carboxytherapy stimulates metabolic processes in tissues. For this procedure, an injection of carbon dioxide (CO) is injected under the skin of the lower eyelid.2). There are two ways to carry out the therapy: when a gas injection is made and when the substance is delivered using masks. The procedure is absolutely safe. But her actions last only one year.

For microcurrent therapy using low-frequency currents. This procedure enhances blood circulation and promotes enhanced skin regeneration.

Mesotherapy is a procedure whereby under the skinadministered individually selected for each patient a mixture of drugs and vitamins. When this happens, the skin is saturated with oxygen and nutrients.

Folk ways

There are ways on how to clean yourselfbruises under the eyes of women. Home treatment can be carried out using folk remedies. For this you can use masks and compresses. They are made from herbs such as sage, parsley leaves. Cotton disks moistened in the decoctions of these herbs, make contrast compress (alternately apply to the eyelids that cool, then hot discs).

bruises under the eyes of women causes
You can make herbal masks from parsley, fromfresh potatoes, flour and milk, made from coriander, cucumber and sour cream. The ingredients are mixed and we put gruel on the eyelids for 15 minutes. After the mask must be applied moisturizer.

bruises under the eyes of women treatment
To remove bruises under the eyes, you can use a simple tool - compresses of ordinary black tea.


Well deal with this problem will helpnutritional mask, which consists of peeled walnuts, ground into powder, 1 tablespoon of soft butter and 2 drops of natural lemon juice. Ingredients should be mixed and put a mask on the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes. After that, it is washed off with warm water.

bruises under the eyes of women how to remove
Следующая маска тоже рекомендуется для борьбы с bruises under the eyes. Very simple mask: soak white bread crumb in milk. Then you should apply this gruel under the eyelids and hold for 20 minutes. It is advisable to make this mask for 1-2 weeks.


Для борьбы с синяками под глазами применяют cosmetic ice. For its preparation using ordinary black or green tea or decoctions of herbs (sage, parsley, dill). They wipe the clean skin around the eyes in the morning and evening.

In order to look good and forget about suchproblem, like bruises under the eyes, you need to monitor your health, maintain an active lifestyle, perform sleep and take care of the skin of the face and eyelids.