Desire to experiment on your imageis characteristic of all girls. It concerns style in clothes, make-up and hairstyles. In order for lovely ladies to fully express their imagination, leading cosmetic companies work tirelessly to develop new formulas, without which our reincarnations would be impossible.

What is a washout?
The manufacturer promises that thanks to bezammiachnoyformula can easily and safely get rid of the bored dark pigment of paint. This cosmetic product does not contain clarifying components, therefore it is safe for natural pigment. Since there are no aggressive substances in the reagents, it can be said that the smelting "Estelle" (product photos and the results obtained are presented in the article) refers to sparing funds. Its action is aimed at soft neutralization of the artificial colorant. However, it should be noted that in one session, only 1-2 tones can be washed away.

Washing Estel (the price of one package is350 rubles) is intended for salon use. But since the cost of the procedure in the hairdresser is much higher than the price for packaging, many girls change the color of their hair at home.
Washing Estel: reviews and tips
If you decide to use this productat home, you will also need a shampoo for deep hair cleansing. The contents of one package includes three bottles - with a reducing agent, with a catalyst and with a neutralizer. Well, of course, an instruction that must be carefully read. Do not ignore the recommendation for testing for allergic reactions!
During the combination of reagents it is necessary to strictlyobserve the proportion one to one. The mixture is applied only to dirty hair, quickly using a brush, so the reaction will occur for 20-30 minutes. The reagent is started to distribute in strands (not touching the roots) in the direction from the occiput to the temples. Using a polyethylene cap, you need to warm your hair and wait 20 minutes while the "Estelle" wash works. The opinions of experts show that sharp changes in temperature at this time are extremely undesirable.

The neutralizer is designed to detectthe degree of washing out of the dye. After the first application of the wash it is necessary to rinse the hair thoroughly with hot water and shampoo. It is enough to distribute the product on one curl. After waiting five minutes, if the strand has not changed color to a darker tone, you can proceed to apply the neutralizer to all hair. In conclusion, it is recommended to wash the hair with a special shampoo several times.
Since one procedure brightens the original colorjust a few tones, most likely, you will need its repetition. Sometimes, in order to achieve the desired result, up to six times a remedy such as the washing-out "Estelle" is used. Reviews of brunettes indicate that a large number of sessions on the washing out of the dye from the hair affects their appearance.