It would seem that in this difficult - braid spit itself?

- First of all, do not rely on the help of the mirror. Practice shows that it only contributes to the fact that you are most likely to get confused and give up this venture - to braid the braids to yourself.
- Before you start creating a weaving masterpieceon your own hair, it will be useful to practice for a while on someone else - a friend or a daughter. During these workouts, you will understand the principle of various weaves, such as "French" braids, "fishtail", etc.
- If you moisturize your hair a little before starting work, the process will go much faster, and over time it will become quite easy for you to braid the braids to yourself.
- Master the different techniques: tight weaving, free and even careless.
Two modifications of the "French" braid
This very trendy item is found today.everywhere. Usually it is called "spike" and braided in order to remove hair from the face at the back of the head. But there are other options for its use. Here are some nuances of weaving "spikelet":
- Three locks of hair alternately intersectamong themselves. And you should only hold the top two. The element that appears below does not need to be fixed in the hands. Because it can easily hang down while you are spinning. This technique will greatly facilitate your task when you are trying to braid the braids to yourself: you will be much less confused and will get more pleasure from your work.
- Additional strands of hair should be added only to the part that waits for its turn to take the top position.
- If the direction of the interlacing strands change anddo it from the bottom up, the spit will immediately become relief and bulk. This method is suitable for those girls who do not have very thick hair, but would like to make the hair more lush.
- There is another way to add volume to your braids. After you have completed the work and secure the end, gently separate the coils of the weave with your hands. Start at the top and move to the end.
- Since the braid "waterfall" is prettydifficult, you need to start to understand the principle of such weaving. Its direction should be horizontal or diagonal, usually from one ear to the other. When creating a spit on the spikelet principle, always leave the central strand unused, let it freely flow down. In its place, take a new part of the hair only from the upper zone of the head and again after the next interlacing, as soon as the curl takes the lower position, leave it.

Also try this method of braiding the braidsto yourself: divide all hair into three parts and form three identical elements in the classic way of weaving. Then create a braid, as in the photo. You will look very impressive.